


3 years, 8 months ago



"Eyes blue like the Atlantic, And I'm going down like the Titanic"

  • name > Beechhowl
        prefix meaning > For their pelt color
        suffix meaning > For their proud nature
        previous names > Beechkit, Beechpaw
    nicknames > Beech, Bee

    clan > Cloudclan
    rank > Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
    mentor >Daisyspring
    apprentices >
        current > xxx
        previous > Creekhowl, Nettleclaw, Larkspurpaw (deceased)

  • age > 47 moons
    gender > Nonbinary (they/them)
    sex > Male
    sexuality > Pansexual

46529039_V9CuHgF8mVvRNnW.pngbasic description > A lean, slightly muscular cat, with medium length silky fur and blue eyes
build > lean and slightly muscled
fur description > medium length, soft and silky
breeds > mixed
height > 26 cm
weight > 8.5 lbs

voice > Double Trouble (Voiced by Jacob Tobia)
scent > light scent of wildflowers

scars > xxx
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx


Positive Traits
positive >
    >> Bright > (Meaning the person is intelligent and also quick-witted) Beechpaw is a bright cat, always on their toes. They are intelligent and quick to learn and put the new information to use just as fast. Beech is fast to come up with effective solutions to issues that are brought up to them.
    >> Open Minded > (Being receptive to a wide variety of ideas, arguments, and information) Beech is willing to consider any and all new ideas, without any bias. They love seeing things from new perspectives and how others around them think differently than them. They are always open to learn something new! Whether that be from their clan mates or someone new they met at a gathering.
    >> Loyal > (Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution) Beech is a fiercely loyal cat. They are willing to do almost anything for the ones they love and their clan. They will stand by their clanmates sides and support them through whatever may happen, for better or for worse.

neutral >
    >> Dreamy > (tends to live in their head, thinking or daydreaming) Beech can often be found thinking to themself about everything and anything that happens in the world. They daydream of the future and what their part will be in it. What will unfold? Will it be exciting or not? It is all so exciting to think of the endless possibilities the future holds!
    >> Proud > (having self-pride) They are a proud cat. Beech takes pride in who they are. They are also unbelievably proud to be a Cloudclan cat! Sometimes they can be a little too proud and can’t control their emotions when someone disrespects their loved ones or clan, how dare someone be rude like that? Can’t they see how amazing their clan is? How wonderful their clan mates are?
    >> Protective > (Having a strong desire to keep someone they care about safe, and looking after them) Beech is protective like a mother bear is protective of its cubs. They want to keep the cats they hold closest safe and sound. They will do everything in their power to take care of, help out, and protect their clan. Beech can be a little too protective of their clan and loved ones though.

negative >
    >> Impatient > (wanting something to happen as soon as possible) Beech is impatient. They want things to happen and they want them to happen quickly. They hate waiting around when they could be out doing something, learning, training anything! Things could surely happen quicker, couldn’t they?
    >> Disorganized > (Not good at planning or keeping things in order) Beechpaw is disorganized in every sense of the word. Their den, at first, was in order but then they blinked and now..oh its..a mess. Oh were they supposed to be up at dawn today? Oh, starclan.. They are a little late but they’ll be right there! This can cause Beech to be late or to not have an exact plan on what they are doing or where they are going. They will get whatever it is done, it’ll just be a little longer than necessary
    >> Impulsive > (showing behavior in which you do things suddenly without any planning and without considering the effects they may have) Beech acts suddenly without considering the consequences of their actions. They don’t think about what will happen after they do something, they just do it. Beechpaw is all act first, ask questions later. Which gets them into trouble more often than not.


 parents >
    >> Birchcry > A grey tabby tomcat with hazel eyes
    >> Alderlily > A beautiful greyish brown she-cat with blue eyes

siblings >
    >> Bramblekit > A brown tabby she-cat

mate >
    >> Fawnfall > A light brown tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes, and freckles.

kits >
    >> Sandpaw> A fawn-cream tortie she-cat with a bobbed tail, and sky blue eyes (deceased)
    >> Mudhorn > A brown ticked tom with forest green eyes
    >> Dustcloud > Pale unpatterned ticked tabby she-cat with ocean blue eyes
    >> Claypaw > A brown colorpoint tom with forest green eyes

extended >
    >> name > short description

mate > xxx
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests > Fawnfall
    looking for > No longer looking

likes in a potential mate >
    > funny 
    open minded  

dislikes in a potential mate >

interested in kits > yes
preferred family size > average



Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    Beechkit was born to Birchcry and Alderlily during a rainy new leaf morning, along with their sister Bramblekit. During the birth, however, something went wrong. Bramblekit passed before taking her first breath, and Alderlily died due to the complications that occurred. As Beechkit grew, they realized very quickly that they were nonbinary. They followed their father out of the nursery and almost out of camp before tugging on his tail and exclaiming they were nonbinary. Birchcry just smiled and nodded his head at the little kit before going out on a border patrol. However, Birchcry did not return to them, a border skirmish had broken out and Birchcry was killed in action. Beechkit didn’t quite understand why the border skirmish happened, but they hoped their father was able to see Bramblekit and Alderlily now. They were determined to do right by their family in Starclan, and make their clan proud as well.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    Beechkit was made an apprentice shortly after the war ended and given Dogskip as a mentor. They were so thrilled to be starting training to become a warrior of Cloudclan. Beechpaw couldn’t wait to help serve and protect the best clan in all the land! Shortly after they got their mentor, Dogskip went missing. Beechpaw mourned with their clan, having barely gotten to know their previous mentor. They were reassigned to Daisyspring to finish their apprenticeship. Beechpaw met one of the nicest cats, in their opinion, and quickly took a liking to them. Beechpaw was so happy to be friends with Fawnpaw, and as their friendship blossomed, so did Beech’s feelings for the other apprentice. Cloudclan suffered losses. Two leaders in such a short period of time, and many warriors and apprentices went missing or joined Starclan, but they also had good things coming! Marshclan had come and shared their sign language with Cloudclan! Beechpaw was excited to learn more and hopefully start using it when they could!

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >
    Beechpaw, with hard work and persistence, successfully became a warrior. They were given the name Beechhowl. They were finally a warrior! They could start doing all of the things they had dreamed of since they were a little kit. Leaf-bare had come, the cold weather was something the young warrior was not a fan of. It seemed like no time before the weather became warmer though and as more time passed, Beechhowl realized their feelings they had for Fawnfall had only grown stronger since they were apprentices. On a warmer afternoon, the two warriors went on a hunting patrol together, as they trekked along towards the border between Cloudclan and Hailclan the two started talking. Fawnfall had confessed to Beechhowl, and they were overjoyed, the cat they loved felt the same way about them as they did about her! They announced they were mates when they came back from the patrol. It was a moment Beechhowl would never forget.
As the moons carried on, the two warriors began talking about expanding their family. Where Beechhowl was biologically male, they wouldn’t have to use a surrogate, which left adopting kits or having their own. They ultimately went with having their own kits, and soon enough, the news spread around Cloudclan that Fawnfall was expecting Beechhowl’s kits! They were overjoyed, they absolutely could not wait to meet their kits!
It was right after they had found out that Fawnfall was expecting that cats in Cloudclan started coming down with Whitecough, Beechowl became immediately worried, would this harm the clan? Was there anything they could do to make it stop? Starclan..what about Fawn and the kits? Surely the medicine cats would be able to take care of this soon enough..
Beechhowl was given their first apprentice around this time too, how excited they were! They had heard about Larkspurpaw’s brother, who had passed from the sickness plaguing the clans. They wanted to make sure the new apprentice knew that he could talk to them if he needed someone.
It was only a few days before their kits were born that Hailclan was forced to evacuate their camp and shelter in Cloudclan, it filled the nursery and the camp, making everything busier than normal around camp, they did everything they could in the following days to help the Hailclan cats get comfortable as well as keep Fawnfall company.
And then, the day the two warriors had been anxiously awaiting came! The day they got to meet their kits, all four of them. Fawnfall had given birth to four beautiful and healthy kits! The two decided to name them Sandkit, Dustkit, Mudkit and Claykit. Beechhowl was now a proud parent and they couldn’t imagine anything better than this, their family now expanded, was perfect to them in every way. They adored every little thing about it.

Things were starting to calm down, cats were getting better, Hailclan had returned home...Beechhowl was starting to feel a little more ease, taking their apprentice out training and patrolling, spending time with their mate and kits, everything seemed to be getting better! But apparently Starclan had other plans. One morning Beechhowl had awoken with a start, hearing the commotion going on outside the warriors den, a sinking feeling had settled in their stomach as they rushed out, was it another eagle? Did something happen in the nursery? The thoughts made them take a few pawsteps towards where their family was located until they heard the name of their apprentice being said, they of course made their way instead towards the voices, their heart broke with every step as they heard more clearly now. “Larkspurpaw has been found dead, his body was located in the forest by the border.” A shuddering breath left the young warrior, they had been trusted with the young apprentice, and now he had died. They should have been with him… Maybe they could have prevented this.. Beechhowl sat vigil that night with a few other clanmates who were close with Larkspurpaw. They glanced at the night sky, hoping that Larkspur was up there now with his brother in Starclan.

After losing Larkspurpaw, the warrior had spent as much time as they could with their family and carrying out their warrior duties. One day a patrol went out, and was met with dogs, it was horrifying to say the least. Some came back hurt, some not as bad as the others, but the one cat that didn’t return was Cloudclan’s deputy. Starlingstar had appointed Brookshine as their new deputy and life seemed to carry on as usual. A warrior who had been taken by an eagle had returned, a miracle from Starclan it would seem! It was good news for the clan, and things seemed to be doing better now that the sickness had gone.

It was a warmer day in Cloudclan, Beechhowl had been out on a patrol, but when they had returned, there was news spreading around the camo that Brookshine had been killed. Killed? Someone poisoned the deputy with a rabbit filled with death-berries! Who could do something like this? It made a chill run down their spine. They had only seen the newly appointed deputy, Grasshopperhill, around before, and never personally talked with him, they just hoped that he wouldn’t go missing or die on Cloudclan too.

It wasn’t very long after the late deputy had passed that some Hailclanners had started coming through the entrance seeking refuge. Beechhowl was appalled by the behaviour the stand-in leader had been doing when they heard the news. How could someone who was supposed to do what was best for a clan in a time of need, scatter them across the territories?

Soon a gathering was happening, Beechhowl was kind of excited, maybe a little bit of normalcy would return with it? But that is the exact opposite of what happened. The sun turned black, and a fire started. That was bad enough, fear had them fleeing farther into Cloudclan territory, away from the fire, but not before they saw.. A cat step through the flames, untouched. She had caused all the mayhem and death? How could they even fight against a cat who was fireproof? After the rain had put the flames out and cats were returning to their homes, along with Hailclan cats returning to the respective clans in which they refuged in, Beechhowl realized how dire the situation was growing. They returned home and tried to rest after the horrific events that occurred.

Even with the chaos, the day Beech’s and Fawn’s kits came where they were made apprentices. They could not believe how fast time had went. It seemed like yesterday Fawnfall had given birth to the four little kits and now they were going to start training to become warriors.
Beechhowl was very proud of them, and wanted to make sure that they all knew that.
It was an odd day, rain seemed to be on the air and Beechhowl had been spending some time to themselves when they noticed a large patrol leaving. Amongst them was Claypaw, they were happy to see him go. However, if they would have known what would transpire over the duration of the patrol, they never would have let the young apprentice go.
When the patrol returned, with the news the cats brought back, their deputy and a clanmate were murderers, Grasshopperhill had been killed, Drakefeather had been killed as well, but that was not the worst news they had brought back.
Claypaw had run away after what he witnessed, becoming a rogue. Beechhowl was inconsolable, they had so much loss surrounding them, they had no idea how Clay had slipped away so easily, maybe the chaos and everything that happened had everyone distracted…
Beechhowl was scared for their kit, they hoped that they would be safe. And that maybe they could see him again.

Things were okay, Cloudclan now had a new deputy, Halfbranch, and they were glad to see someone who had good intentions for their clan leading beside Starlingstar. They missed Claypaw every day though, seeing things that reminded them of him, but they were sure he was safe where ever he was, for the time being, away from the chaos of the spies.

The sky had been clear that day, they could recall it clearly. Not a cloud in sight. A slight breeze making the leaves dance. They had been coming back from a small hunt, carrying a vole in their mouth. As they placed it down on the pile of fresh prey, they knew something was off. That is when they heard it, a hawk had taken Sandpaw. And Mudpaw had gone off in search for his siblings.
Beechhowl’s broken heart shattered further, they knew that Swansong had returned after being taken like that, they only hoped Starclan would be as kind to their kit. It seemed like forever that Mudpaw was gone, but he returned, tired and a little worse for wear, but he had returned.
Beech never wanted to let their family in Cloudclan out of their sight again, but maybe things would be okay, maybe Sandpaw would return to them too.
As time went on, Beechhowl looked for their lost kit on every patrol they were on. But to no luck, they never found a trace of her.

One day while Beechhowl quietly rested next to Fawnfall in the warriors den, they heard of the news that Rippletide was revealed as a spy, Beech wished they could say they felt shock, or surprise, but in reality, they were still sad about how the spy situation affected their family.

With time, their heart started to heal, and things started to be okay again. The destroyed hope bridge now stood tall again. And the spies were gone. They watched as Hailclan cats slowly trekked out of camp, heading back to their home finally.

Beechhowl had been resting in their nest, blue eyes snapping open at the calls echoing around camp. The crystal falls had been attacked, and Waverose was dead. Hadn’t these spies done enough? How could they protect themselves, against cats who were already dead?
Not much time had passed when a patrol found Bramblewhisper dead by the border of Marshclan, leaving Cloudclan without any medicine cat. Beechhowl was afraid of what this could mean for their clan...and with leaf-bare approaching.. What was to become of Cloudclan?

On the day of Dustpaw and Mudpaw’s warrior ceremony, they caught sight of a familiar pelt, Claypaw, safe and sound. They found themself dashing towards their kit, cause for an even bigger celebration now, with Dustcloud and Mudhorn now warriors, and seeing their kit, they felt their eyes water with joy.

Tragedy had struck the clan yet again, Beechhowl was shocked to hear that a bob cat had been seen, and when both Cloudclan and Marshclan chased it down and the tunnels collapsed, they grew worried.

Over their time they had heard the horror stories about the tunnels, and hoped that all of their clanmates involved would be okay now that they had been rescued, and without a medicine cat, they were praying even more to Starclan that they would all pull through.

When Creamytail came into the picture, they were sure a sigh of relief went through the whole clan, now the injured and sick had a fighting chance.

Beechhowl had been out on patrol when they returned and heard the news that the bobcat was finally gone from the territories. This was not without injury, their mentor Daisyspring had been critically injured, which worried the younger cat, but they knew Daisy was in good hands and that she would be okay eventually.

With the biggest threat gone, and a stand-in medicine cat to take care of the cats in Cloudclan, Beech started to feel like things would be okay again. Even more so when Creamytail had decided to train Cloudclan’s medicine cat, taking on an apprentice named Cirruspaw.

It wasn’t long before leaf-bare now, and the news buzzing around camp was all of the new litters that were on the way. Beechhow was excited to see the new generation coming in, but word had started to spread of the prey becoming scarce on patrols. Sparking worry amongst many of their clanmates, including themselves. 

With the cold weather fast approaching, and so many new mouths to feed… their hatred for the season only grew. 

Much to the warrior’s dismay, leaf-bare had come quicker than usual, dumping snow upon the clans accompanied by cold weather and lack of prey. 

Beechhowl worried for their family, especially when the clans started to go through a famine, and they watched with sad blue eyes, as young warriors had been lost to the current situation. They were worried for their kits, and what about Clay? Were they okay out there too… Surely they would have enough to eat, and a warm nest to stay in while the cold ravaged the territories. 

Leaf-bare had been rough, but to Beechhowl’s surprise, when a warrior went missing, they were given Nettlepaw to train. They were shocked, after what happened with Larkspurpaw, they thought they’d never be trusted again. But they vowed to keep Nettlepaw safe and train them as best as they could. 

Time seemed to fly, and things were relatively going okay, despite the famine and loss of clanmates. And soon, Nettlepaw was becoming a warrior, taking the name Nettleclaw. Beechhowl was proud of the new warrior, and cheered his new name alongside their clanmates.


Fawnfall {Mate/Best friend | Cloud | Alive}

  ~"I think we will be the best of friends” Beechpaw mewed excitedly “oh what adventures we will have!”~ The two cats met when they were apprentices, shortly before leaf-fall. They talked for quite some time that day, from their hopes of the future to what they were most excited about being able to do. Beechhowl instantly took a liking to Fawnfall, agreeing almost immediately to the suggestion of being friends. They made a promise to Fawnfall, that they would always have her back. Soon after them becoming friends, Beechhowl started to realize they were catching feelings for the she-cat, anytime they saw her, their heart would beat so fast they would think they were going to pass out and their whole body would feel warm like it was green leaf. A few moons after their feeling for the other warrior only grew, she made them so happy and they felt at home when they were with her. During a patrol, the two confessed their feelings to eachother and became mates. Beechhowl couldn't wait to start the best adventure they would ever have with their best friend, and mate, by their side. .

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  exploring
  •  making new friends
  •  warmer weather
  •  prey
  •  open minded cats
  • getting wet
  • angry cats
  • bugs in their fur
  • leaf bare
  • being alone
  • 🟆 They were my third cat in RSW
  • 🟆 Beech is my first non cisgendered cat I have put in the group
  • 🟆 Beechhowl's design was actually just from me doodling cats one afternoon

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