Samhain's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Pechi Global Rules

By bidding or buying You are automatically agreeing to my TOS. Not reading it, doesn’t mean that you don’t have to follow it. By breaking the rules you are landing on the blacklist.

~If you land on the blacklist you can’t buy any of my oc’s or participate in my OTA

~Please do not sell/trade my designs to people from blacklist


~ Once you win an auction/ota/purchase a flat sale, you MUST pay within 24 hours unless you have a viable excuse.

~ Do not inflate the price for no reason. Ex: buying it for $10 and selling for $20 without having extra art.

~Trade or Sell characters and designs you got for free, you can only give them away for free UNLESS they got additional art that you provided (this is the clarification on what the rule above it includes too)

~ Do not gift/sell/trade to users without a Toyhouse. I like to keep track of my designs.

~Payment only thru PayPal ( i can take vipps from Norwegian customers)

~No refunds when it comes to OTA characters.

~When it comes to customs I take payment upfront. If you decide to buy a custom and then back off, you won’t get a refund.

~If you are offering art in mixed offer or just art. You have 1 month on finishing them. If you don’t, the character goes back for sale and you land on the blacklist. To avoid that, just keep a contact with me and say your reason for a longer TAT, because I take personal problems and so on as a valid reason.


~ Due to prior experiences, I will only be doing holds for up to 2 months.

~ Payment plans are accepted. ( ex: $100 adopt. Pay $50 this week and $50 next week.)

~If you back off from payment plan, you will only get a 50% of the amount you payed

~if you don’t keep me updated/ghost while having a hold on the character, You are landing on the black list.

Re Design 

~ You are not allowed to edit the original image. If you want to make small edits to the design, ask me, I can always make little changes for free or bigger ones for a small payment.

~Redesign is alright, but I still want the credit.

~Don’t redesign them so much you can no longer recognize them.


~In a case of rude, transphobic, offensive comments, I have the right to decline working further on a custom, You can get a refund tho.

~ Please wait at least 1 week after purchasing a design to resell/gift/trade it.

~ Do not delete character profiles from Toyhouse for any reason. Do not create character profiles for existing characters. This also applies to co-owning. Only one user may have the character on their toyhouse. This is to prevent confusion.

~ Terms are subject to change. If these terms are breached you will receive one warning, and then you will be blacklisted.

Black List