June's Comments

This also goes for https://toyhou.se/10264676.jule! Anyone in my th you'd trade for? 

sorry for the late reply!! I could definitely trade these two ^__^ you have a lot of cool ocs, which ones are off-limits for offers? I could possibly add something on to make it even :o

You're welcome to offer on basically anyone I truly dont mine! Only big off limits would be those in sonas! 

HI just wanted to say so so sorry for the late reply, I’ve been super sick & bedridden the past week so keeping up with messages has been rough 😭😭 but I combed thru ur ocs once again I wanna say u have some awesome critters :D

here are any/all the ones that caught my eye, please let me know which ones you’re cool with offers on! I some of these have art + other value so I don’t mind adding stuff on depending on the oc ^__^ I’m happy to give both June & Jule for one oc! Also I’d like to try doodling a few to make sure I connect first once e establish a trade


I’m down to do nine or/and Tennessee if you’re interested! And it’s no problem, your health absolutely comes first!! 

I could also do dealanch!

hey thanks so much for your patience!!🙏🙏🙏 I did end up trying to doodle the fellas you offered and while I like their designs a lot I don’t see myself connecting with them unfortunately >__< I could consider art instead, but if you’ve lost interest/can’t offer art that’s totally ok!

4 Replies