


3 years, 7 months ago



dark . black

Name Dubhain (Du-vayn)
RACE Half-Elf, Revenant
Gender Cis male (he/him)
Age 31 at death
DoB September 25th
Height 5ft 11in
SHIP STATUS Cassius Lacroix


  • He lost his left eye in the battle before he died- it, and the slash mark across his face are the only things that do not heal when he dies and regenerates.


  • Warm baths
  • Flower fields


  • Swamps
  • Mud










  • Undying. As a revenant he is not able to heal from wounds- but if he dies, he is revived 8-12 hours later after regenerating his body. 
  • Heroic Training. Donned in medium armor, Dubhain was well known for his versatility and training with a variety of weapons. Accompanied with Anthelm, the weapon of many faces, he was a beast on the battle field and a master of weapons.


  • Zerachiel's Faithful. Once a paladin of the archangel Zerachiel, Dubhain is still capable of low-level divine smites when in posession of his holy symbol.


Legends hail the hero Dubhain; a man like no other in a time of certain darkness. Scholars and written accounts accredit him as gallant and just, with a heart pure and full of love for the church as well as Noctlem and it's people. His deeds are well accounted for, for every life he'd protected and every adversary he faced even when things seemed grim and hopeless. He is a story of hope, an extraordinary mortal among men, immortalized in laurels for his good deeds.

The stories are well flattering, and not at all incorrect, but as legends tend to do they erase the humanity of the man himself. While a hero of the church, Dubhain was well known for being reckless in ways other paladins could not fathom. He was a brilliant mind with tactics to spare, but he often skipped steps in his process to achieve an end quicker or to save lives where they needed saving, or even acted without letting his comrades in on the plan he'd formulated, leading him often to be scolded by his Angelic commander, Zerachiel. Despite this, his excellence in battle was undeniable. His expertise with the shifting weapon, Anthelm, was something of legend, and such merit gave him prestige enough to be entrusted as Zerachiel's right hand man.

Away from the church and his duties- he was well loved as a good friend, a good husband, and a good father. He was bright, cheerful, and ever friendly to everyone who knew him. His status in the church never inflated his ego, and remaining humble made him a good man. He loved his family and his duty to the church equally, and served both of them tirelessly.

...In undeath, the people are not so kind to speak of him as the illuminated texts do. He's a shell of his former self- a quiet presence, a gloomy presence. He has no sense of self preservation, only the will to wander and fight in his unending duty to keep Noctlem safe. His skills are still nothing to laugh at, but the rigor mortis in his body makes him a shambling, stumbling mess; a target easy for robbing, or for killing only to escape the next time he revives. He feels little, he remembers little, and something breaths in the back of his mind which wants revenge on what killed him in life, but divine intervention keeps him from knowing what that is.

Biography 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus. Fusce sit amet lectus nec massa auctor aliquam et molestie metus. Sed at est in ante egestas iaculis. Nullam varius gravida ligula nec malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus. Fusce sit amet lectus nec massa auctor aliquam et molestie metus. Sed at est in ante egestas iaculis. Nullam varius gravida ligula nec malesuada.



Tighe O'Dubhain

Great Grandson

While his grandson is meek and virtually talentless when it comes to weapons, Dubhain adores him as he would have his own son. It's a bit of an awkward relationship, but one Dubhain treasures nonetheless. Dubhain is all too willing to help Tighe with whatever he needs, and Tighe is happy to do the same so long as it means avoiding danger.


Cassius Lacroix

Liege, love interest

Even without memories, Dubhain knew Cassius was an important part of his life. While rekindling their friendship was a slow process, Dubhain cannot deny the immediate attraction he felt to Cassius- to protect him, to fight by his side. He knows he belongs at least once place in this world, and there's no place he'd rather be.


Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.