
3 years, 8 months ago


Gotten extra with characters from Roachramen on 30.12.2021


Ever since childhood, climbing up on sofas, high ledges and wandering beyond garden and more, Pura was always an adventurer and a big goal as soon as she was of age, wanting to explore the world with nothing other than her backpack. Making a deal with her parents at age 7 already, making sure things would match up. Meaning learning what she could, saving, preparing for the outside world on survival, knowledge, languages and physically fitness. She wanted to be prepared.
As time came, acing school, preparing for the day as she was 18, the moment of truth as her parents had fulfilled their side of the promise as she did.
Making her life goal to start. 

No place is too daring at times or too boring, since she loves to learn about many things. 

-fotografic memory
-skilled in first aid, training and combat
-Physically strong and prepared
-keeps a journal and later a hovering device to record live at times.

Loves adventure and meeting new ones.