


3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info












Orchid is a wasp who lives in Draco’s watch. While she doesn’t live in the same house she lived in when she was younger, she still lives in the same town. She moved out of her parents’ house when she was 18, when she joined the colosseum, since they provide food and housing to anyone who wants it. She doesn’t talk to many people in town, but she does have the occasional person she sees as a friend or acquaintance. 

The place that most people know her from would be the colosseum. She decided to live there because it could be a good source of money, along with being a good way for her to get food consistently. Because she’s a fighter in it, she is seen as a more public figure in that area of the world. To add to that, she is one of the strongest fighters in the colosseum only being rivaled by Penelope. The two of them are almost equal when it comes to fighting capabilities, though they have different fighting styles. You never know who is going to win whenever the two of them fight.

She has a pretty good relationship with her family members, which consist of her parents and adopted brother. She wanted to try living on her own, so she moved to the colosseum, because she wanted to try fighting there anyway. Her family is very supportive of her choices, and are willing to help whenever she needs it. Her family members are some of the only people that she is open with. She never really made any friends when she was younger because her peers were scared of her due to her appearance. Due to this, she is used to being alone. She isn’t used to people going out of their way to talk to her, since it didn’t really happen to her until she got a little older. Even then, it still doesn’t happen to her the most. Due to not many people talking to her, she is a bit wary when people randomly try to talk to her. This can partially be blamed on a bad experience she had with someone in the past, though she doesn’t like to talk about it. 

Overall, when you first meet Orchid, she comes off as cold and rude. She does this with the majority of people. Depending on how she’s feeling certain days, she can either yell a lot or be completely silent. There is almost no in between. When she’s on the battlefield, she can be a bit overconfident in her abilities. This can be her downfall when she’s facing an opponent that matches her skill level. Despite her bravado and bitterness when you first meet her, if you get to know her enough, she can be nice. She isn’t really good at showing affection, though. She doesn’t really know how to regulate her emotions to begin with.  When it comes to her, a way of showing that she likes someone is just sitting with them and listening to them talk without really making any rude comments, or joking around with them. She tries to show some sort of affection to the people she cares about so that they know that she trusts them at least a little, because trust is a big thing for her. She can get a bit defensive about her younger years, besides events that happened with her family. This mainly comes from her not liking to admit to the mistakes she has made in the past, even if some of them weren’t inherently her fault. Overall, she is defensive and cold when you first meet her, but if you spend enough time with her and talk to her quite a bit, she can warm up to you, and try to show that she trusts you, at least a bit.