


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info








Personality- Very Shy, and has a problem with not liking herself. She thinks she is not pretty...

Likes -  Animals

Dislikes - Green

Headcanons by cat-astrophism

Will sort later but checking off ones i like:

✅- Perhaps something happened in her past that caused her to have a disliking towards herself. Maybe she was bullied and started to take those comments to heart, and eventually just kept in a negative mindset about herself.

    ☆her skin color was made fun of while she grew up (she is a gem from Stevens U i think. But she is kinda just a green humanoid to me)

✅- Will never approach someone first, not even those she knows sometimes. Finds it very nerve-wracking, though she does tend to be somewhat more comfortable approaching friends and talking with them.

✅- On the same note, she finds animals a lot easier and nicer to share thoughts and feelings with rather than people. Most likely because she knows they cannot judge her like a person could, and also likely because she'd be too nervous to talk to people about some things anyways.

- She also bottles up her feelings a lot, even with those she does care about. Undermines herself and her feelings; she thinks that her feelings don't really matter so she doesn't share them. She doesn't want to be a burden to anyone either.

✅- Enjoys fashion and making clothes, and she prefers to use others as the models rather than herself. She also often enjoys sketching and jotting down outfit ideas and details in a notebook.

✅- Likes to fit into the background and not be the centre of attention. (This trait is me so a lot of my character have this even when they do not say it on their profile.)