keltai vairth



7 years, 2 months ago


Keltai Vairth

Character details
the other blue one
8.7 sweeps, 19 years
5'8" (172cm)
Cobalt (hex #001F5D)
Session [Δ-aquarii]
<< ULTRA fuck you <<
Strife specibus
Sylladex modus
QR Code
Heir of Time

"<< i hate this so much i switched out just to let you know that <<"
― keltai

Keltai Vairth, also known by her Trollian handle internetCyberbully, is one of the trolls originating from the session "Δ-aquarii". Her associated sign is Exa-Paracitius,  and she has two sets of horns - a slightly curved, pointed set on the top of her head, and a set on the sides of her head which point inwards, towards the back of her head. These are considered foreshadowing, as the horns are a symbol associated with the Duality Effect brought on by the Scratch.


The name "Keltai" derives from Kepler, an astronomer known for discovering the three laws of planetary motion. The surname "Vairth" is derived from the moon Vanth, a satellite of the trans-Neptunian object 90482-Orcus

Her Trollian handle, internetCyberbully, is  << named for the exact reason you'd expect, you fucking shitslap. <<

Personality and Traits

keltai is an asshole




Your name is- ..wait, haven't we already met this character?

Think the fuck again, you silly prick. This is KELTAI, not ANASRI. The two are completely different (In a sense, anyway..they look exactly alike, share the same lusus, and their voices are similar. Other than that, they're completely different, I promise).

The two of you are quite close, and known to be so - which is ironic, considering you ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY DESPISE THEM. They get on your every last nerve and then some, their voice is like nails on a chalkboard to your ears, and they're- I mean, just look at them. Their fashion sense alone makes you want to rip their arm off and punch them in the fucking jaw with it. And that isn't even an exaggeration. On top of all that, they NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE. Ever. No matter how hard you try, they're always there. ALWAYS. You and ANASRI are in a circumstance which means that you're unlucky enough to share the same body. Specifically, you suffer from DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER - in short, this means that the body's brain developed in such a way that a new personality formed, in an attempt to "protect" the conscious from traumatic and psychologically damaging events. Needless to say, you do far more harm than good. You're erratic, impatient and violent - primarily because you're an edgy teenager that nobody understands, but partially because of the chemical imbalance causing your headmate's mental conditions (see: has anxiety attacks over nothing, whiny asshole, organizes shit for no good reason), which make you rather EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE. You're not sure why, but it means that your emotions are influenced much more easily than others, and this can either be a good thing, or it can turn out very, very ugly. Usually a combination of the two.

Aside from your angsty teenage brooding, you don't really do much when you're fronting - as ANASRI tries to prevent you from fronting due to your tendency to DO EVERYTHING THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO DO, you only get to "switch out" when they cannot handle things themselves. In which case, you either kill time in the OBSERVATORY (which you locked, and refuse to let ANASRI know where you hid the key to; no reason in particular, you just find it quite amusing), or you venture to your own Trollian account, under the trolltag internetCyberbully. You find the whole process of opening it, logging out of ANASRI'S account, switching to your own and letting the client crash multiple times in the midst of this VERY TEDIOUS.

So, you're out here, with the Trollian client on the verge of crashing again, and some time to kill, and you don't feel like listening to another TRUE CRIME PODCAST.

What will you do?







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MATESPRIT - Iresna Dastes






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.


  • She is a Derse dreamer, however her dual personalities allow her to wake up on either moon.
  • Her planet is LOCAF, Land of Chimes and Firearms. It only exists in the timelines where Keltai is the host, rather than the counterpart.
  • Her Godtier wings resemble a Madagascan Sunset moth.
  • She allegedly finds climbing and agility tasks to be quite enjoyable.
  • Her mathematical knowledge far surpasses Anasri's, and vice versa for scientific knowledge. Keltai excels in physics where Anasri's strong suit is biology.
  • She is nearly always seen wearing a moon pendant. Apparently, << it was a gift from someone very important. << however she is reluctant to state who she is referring to.
  • she is DEFINITELY this vine
  • Her EZ sign would be SAGIRIES.