tbn's Comments

anyone in my OTA folder?

So this and this one interested me the most

anyone in my th ? ocs tagged forever homed r offlimits. i also have an alt lunettier no offlimits

you have cute ocs, but none of them caught my interest.

Hi! Anyone from sale/trade?

Hello! Sorry I accepted another offer ^^ thank you for your interest! 

Do you accept art if yes I leave you my instagram dispotion so that you can see my style of drawing


Hello! Sorry I accepted another offer ^^ thank you for your interest! 

Anyone in my th?

Offlimits is Kido, Myk and Crevas

I really liked Zephyrus and Luciel ^^

I would be willing with Luciel

I will accept your offer! Please send him over and after that, I will send this bby ^^
