


3 years, 8 months ago


NOTE: this page is currently incomplete and missing information.
NOTE: this page is currently under revision and information is subject to change.
NOTE: this character is still being conceptualized, so information is limited.
“I'm in love with someone good and kind and gentle, and he's seen the darkness too, but somehow we've become each other's light.” ― Emma Forrest
I. Arthur Eberlin

Blue Bird, Arthie, Pinnocchio

English, ASL


Biro Demi

Lead Protagonist
Lawful Good

Caprisalad (Me)

22 YO // 09.19.17XX ♍︎



Arthur Eberlin is your stereotypical introverted fellow with crippling social anxiety and a lack of motivation to make the changes he wants to see happen. He's very clingy and awkward, plus avoiding any conflict in sight. When coming out of his egg shell, Arthur can be very friendly and talkative about his special interests, but loves listening to his mutuals talk endlessly as well. Even then Arthur can easily shrink back when feeling rejection or hearing disinterest towards his favorite things. The blondie also has some strong orthinophobia towards /especially/ large birds.

Throughout Arthur's adventures through Wonderland, he meets countless people and has been forced to confront the issues before him without help. It's a scary place out there all alone, however he does learn to push past his fears and decides to put others before himself, no matter the cost.

II. Background

Born into the world as a single child to a prosperous family, Arthur was very cherished by his parents. He was endlessly loved and protected from the demonized world, and the outside became a walking-talking threat. Homeschooling was a must in the Eberlin bloodline for as long as they all can remember, and their only offspring was no exception.

As years kept skipping by, Arthur grew more tired and tired of being enclosed like a house cat. He wanted to see more than the hall with the crickety floorboard or the art gallery with several artworks from twenty-something generations ago. He wanted to see the white roses that the stained glass of his bedroom were inspired by, in a field of thousands. Of course the blonde's parents would try to bring him the roses, but it just wasn't the same. Over and over, the flowers died in his wake. Shriveling and cracking, like poor quality clay in an wood oven.

Alas, a special rose bloomed that particular morning. Arthur was offered something utterly amazing, so fantastic, that his heart performed a back-flip and shattered like a vase. He would be granted the outside in all its natural beauty if he was to marry the feathered queen. Of course he would listen to the word of his loving parents, yet the knot in his stomach did not come undone. Hide'n'seek with an imaginary friend can reveal too many secrets when your spot becomes a kitchen cabinet. The conversation he caught in a rickety beartrap proved a deep feeling right.

He was taught to be completely loyal to the word of Lord and Lady Eberlin. He was taught to prepare to join the noble bloodlines. He-understandably so-felt like a wedding ring instead of a son, yet wanted to forgive his parents. The imaginary friend had another plan in the deepest part of his thoughtless mind.

Felt like just yesterday that Arthur was staring endlessly into the glass, but now it has been so many moons in the poorest tavern of the farthest village. Sometimes he still sees the lines between the colors, and how the petals were so pure.

III. Trivia
  • Arthur takes long pauses between his sentences when talking about something, as he tries to think of his words and not be verbally impulsive.
  • He gradually lost eyesight in his covered eye because of a gene in his bloodline.
  • ASL became Arthur's secondary language when his father's hearing deteriated.
  • Even though his main combat style involves ballet and his frame is petite, Arthur prefers the Zweihander as his weapon choice.

Piano music
Fairytale stories
White roses
Bugs (☆caterpillars)
Baby blue
Pastel colors
Large, fluffy beasts
Red velvet cake
Apple pie
Swiss cheese
Sweet tea

Loud noises
Scraping sounds
The silence
Cities/largely populated areas
Physical contact
Being assertive
Passive-aggressive jokes
Avians (Large birds)
Cold water
Most coffees
Triple chocolate cake

Code by //icecreampizzer//
Focal Art by Caprisalad