


3 years, 8 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$40 - $45


Voice: Shayne Smith
Song(s): Sweet Tooth
Short King

- 5'5"
- He gets very clingy/protective of the few people that actually deal with his shenanigans, and will often choose to hang off of them, or trap them in his arms.
Doesn't matter if the reactor is about to explode, or they haven't finished their tasks, he will keep you hostage to his off-kilter affection.
- He doesn't do his tasks, no matter how hard you try to make him. It's not that he's bad at it- Actually quite the opposite. He's very quick and efficient.. he just doesn't see a point in it when he has to many better things to be doing.
Like pestering his crewmates, and thinking up different ways to murder them.
- Always smiling, no matter if his helmet is on, or not. He finds amusement in the simplest of things, from watching the leaves get clogged in the trash shoot (Because he still hasn't emptied it), to watching some of his less favorite crewmates getting murdered brutally by the imposter(s). If anything, he'll follow the imposter just to observe the killings, and then not report the body. Sometimes asking questions, praising their skills, or doing a little giddy jig out of excitement.
- He's not easily disgusted, and really has no gag reflex. So things like bodies, gore, and nasty tastes really don't phase him.
- Townie is just a nickname, but he refuses to give out his overworld name.
- Borderline 'Chaotic Evil'. He does more sus stuff than he does passive or neutral behavior.
- Despite his unnerving attitude, and suspicious habits, it's very rare that he's actually an Imposter. It doesn't stop newer crewmates from suspecting him, but it does tend to stay the same throughout any interactions.
- His only weapon is that small dagger. And stars knows he loves the sharp little thing
- Comes off as clueless, but he can definitely take a hint. Be it flirting, or hostility. Doesn't mean he'll play along, but he isn't stupid either. He'll stay engaged in anything exciting, so expect comebacks and lingering.
- Pan, leans toward masculine

He definitely knows every single word to Bon Jovi's Livin' On A Prayer, and he will scream it. Any 80's sing-a-long type songs, he absolutely loves. A list
(Cam Bertrand, saving this for later.)