


7 years, 6 months ago


The KDU had created an experimental "loader" drone that can perform both heavy lifting, and defensive duties, and was designed to work alongside an operator. Among these, however, was a drone whose AI had more developmental potential than others, using creative means to get the job done. Giyan considered having it decommissioned to study the difference in it's AI, but Agent Wildside took a particular liking to this drone, and demanded it be spared. He and this machine, nicknamed Aoloader, helped hold the fort against several assaults from various sources before becoming too damaged to carry on in it's current state. It was time for an upgrade.

Current Story
The central body of the drone was heavily modified and attached to the body of an experimental model of jet, functioning as it's new cockpit. This jet was designed to change into a walker, but thanks to input from both Agent Wildside and the AI itself, it was modified to take on a form similar to a large bird. With this new body, a new arsenal at it's disposal, and four remote-piloted drones, the newly-christened Bluebird takes to the skies to protect it's creators' country and establish it's superiority as a defense mechanism and brother in arms.