


3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Ayphellia Devros (Lia Devros to humans)

Age: Looks 20 , really over 1,000 years old

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Species: Dragon shifter

Height: 5'10

Weight: 195

Skin colour: Tan, Light brown/golden. Her scales are red, that shimmer green/goldĀ 

Favorite colours: Red, Gold, Black, purple and blue

Favorite animal: Snake

Theme: Busty, Sexy, Sassy.

Bio: Ayphellia was born in a normal household with 7 older siblings, she knew she was different she just never understood how different until her 12th birthday. She knew that she was the only one who constantly ran hot as if she had a fever. She knew she was smarter, faster and stronger than the others but, on the 19th of December reality came crashing down on her. It was a cold day, there was so much snow, not enough to call a snow day but enough to make you wish it were. She was radiating heat in a slow pulse, the heat hot enough to begin melting the snow at her feet while she walked. She assumed she had a fever that was hotter than her regular one and ignored it. Around noon she started to feel the heat inside her pulse hotter as if it were alive and gaining energy. The heat wasn't dimming, it was getting worse, she knew something had to be wrong with her so she decided she was going to ditch school and go home. Better explaining to her parents what happened than going to the nurse. When she had sucessfully left the school she took off at a run, into the woods for her house. As if her running was the queue for all hell to break loose the temperature inside her body became so hot she couldn't bear the thought of moving another inch. Her body convulsed and contorted until the heat died down, when she was sure whatever was happening was over, she knew she had changed...