Tomo Aoki



3 years, 8 months ago


Tomo Aoki
175cm (5'9")
74 kg (163 lbs)
Blood Type
Ultimate Botanist
Tomo goes by the nickname Tomato because of his love of plants and his hair color. He is the Ultimate Botanist. Growing up he wanted to open his own greenhouse and help teach people how amazing plants are!
Tomo is taller in height and has an above average muscular build. He has red spikey hair with a little leaf growing out of it. He has page green eyes ans big round glasses. He wears tan overalls with gardening tools strapped to the belt and a pale blue long sleeves tee underneath. He wears gardening gloves and work boots.
Tomo is very shy and soft. He has little confidence in himself and apologizes for everything. When you ask him about gardening or plants, he completely changes and talks on and on about the subject. Once he realizes he may have overshared, he will apoligize an get embarrassed.
Tomo didn't have the best life growing up. His parents were verbally abusive to him and put him down for everything. They didn't accept him for who he is, and he would completely shut down for hours- even days at a time. When Tomo was in school, one of the students, Akari Sakurai, befriended him and helped him through the tough times by encouraging him to join the gardening club. There, Tomo fell in love with the world of plants and gardening became his escape from his homelife. He worked in his community to open a community garden and spent all od his time there. During his teen years, he went to live with his grandparents who showed him the love he always wanted. They helped him get more and more into Botany and helped fund his love of it all. Eventually he invented a new type of soil and plant food that helped plants grow bigger, better and love longer. He was noticed by Hopes Peak for these achievements and sent an invitation to attend.

Akari Sakurai - Best Friend

Akari and Tomo grew up together and act like brother and sister to one another. She was the one who gave him the nickname "Tomato." Akari helped Tomo out of his shell and supported him throuout his transition into who he is today. During the Killing game they are ususally seen hanging out and always spend theit free time together. Tomo is absolutely crushed after Akari's execution and doesn't know how to feel about her afterwards. Eventually he realizes that the mastermind pushed her past her limits and is able to forgive her in the end.

Koyuki Kondo - Love Interest

Tomo and Koyuki bond fast when they first meet in the killing game, she loves flowers and he loves gardening. The two are very sweet with eachother and Tomo always finds the time to give Koyuki flowers every day. Koyuki meets Tomo every morning to tend to the flowers and veggies he grows in the school's greenhouse. After Koyuki's death Tomo feels lonely while gardening and takes minimal time to do daily tending.

Izumi Murakami - Friend

After Koyuki's death Izumi notices that Tomo is spending less time caring for his plants. He talks to Tomo and helps him grieve and accept what happend. Izumi joins Tomo once a week to help him with the plants and have a nice chat.
Ultimate Botanist
Tomo is an expert in the science of plants. He knows everything there is to know about every plant known to humanity and studies ways to make them grow healthier and live longer. He has helped open many community garden centers in various cities around Japan.