

The One That Kills The Least

01 — Profile

Name Jace GoldHeart
Nicknames Jacey/Sunflower Pup
Age 21
Gender Labelless ( no pronouns : )
Height 5'4
Birthdate 9/27
Species (Dalmation)
Orientation. Lesbian Graysexual
Occupation Social Media Advertiser

Status Taken
Designer @ beetleshark
Worth NFS :)
  • -Jace really never wears makeup beside little eyeliner :)

  • -Glases are optional

  • Jace doesn't have any genitals so respect that please

  • she can be drawn with Slothful, her partner in wholesome things only!

  • Jace is the opposite to my main sona, so if you do draw them together keep her chaotic energy in the open, since jace is the good girl while my sona neather is the baddest of dogs lol.

  • If drawn with Infernall, keep it friendly NOTHING SUS INFERNALL HAS HIS OWN GF

  • if you buy them any slipknot merch, she will adore you :))))

02 — Personality

Jace is a sweet person, who is too trusting when it comes to newer people she. You will commonly find Jace doom scrolling on instagram, looking at friends posts and wishing them good times. Jace is the polar opposite to Neather (main sona) The two get along through the enjoyment of Slipknot, but how chaotic she can be together in the same room. Jace would never hurt a fly, while Neather would tear apart anything in the way.

Jace mainly hangs out with Stacey, Voodoo and Slothful as the main people when she aren't all busy away at work. Stacey commonly asks Jace for help on projects which Jace cannot say no too, due to knowing more about social media magament than Stacey or his bf Voodoo. When it not the boys, Jace is found at home with Slothful, a robotic anthro known as an Ampwave whom Jace loves dearly, after Sloth devopled a crush on em from being helped during the time she were found by Jace and Stacey.

Jace loves to collect items with sunflowers and yellow hearts. Yellow is a color Jace has adorn since Goldheart was her middlename till she requested to make it her offical lastname. Jace finds sunflowers to be the ones whom stand out the most compared to roses whom ex friends alway gave em.

  • Slothful

  • Slipknot

  • Sunflowers

  • art

  • Cowards

  • Pressure from ex friends

  • Sometimes being a social media advertiser

  • roses

03 — Background

Early life

Jace grew up in the city, as a result of her family not having much susscess when it came to her livestock being killed by an unknown predator. Jace was only 2 when she moved to the city, which she never cared for as much. The city was alway loud and busy but it was she knew only. Jace would grow up not knowing much about her family history beside being once farmers. The familt adopted the name Goldheart once moving into the city and changing Jace's once she had turned 3. Jace was a happy child who liked stuff animals, drawing and sunflowers. Nothing eventful happened during her childhood as she would graduate Hs and move on to becoming indepent.

Jace tried to hold down a job many times as a social media manager, as she were an expert in running accounts and keeping up with the trends. Jace did have a job that lasted for 3 years until she were let go because she started to talk to Infernall Devv whom just got threaten with a lawsuit for using a star in his ep and logo known as"Stared shape bitches & men" Jace thought the lawsuit was stupid and asked Infernall about it, which he just found it funny as nobody could own a star, let alone one that just a dot. Jace decided it would been for the best seeing as the label maker wasn't getting anymore sales due to stupid lawsuits over stars and hearts of all things.

2nd half

At 21, Jace was hired by Infernall to help him with his next upcoming label known as "7 deadly dogs " a selfbio album about himself and his siblings, Jace at this point only assumed Infernall was an only child, till she saw his collection of photos. He was apart of a 7 sibling family, the youngest being his sister Neather an edgy sharped tounge woman, Nexus a tall tired cop, Precasia a greedy therapits, Erebrus a dramatic hateful man, Lucent the one who was as abesent as a father "Infernall own words" and Aether the eldest, a soft spoken kind hearted person who looked out for all of them growing up. Jace would only hang out with Neather and Infernall at max due to the rest being too busy all the time. Jace liked Neather for her edgy tastes such as Rob Zombie and some of the work she did in Infernall music video for the upcoming album.


During this time Jace lived with her roommates Stacey and his bf Voodoo The 3 mantain a small house, as she all worked in some kind of social media. Stacey and Voodoo were instagram stars, known for her song covers and music album cosplays. Jace would help them photoshop and edit her posts. Jace for a while did feel a little bit lonely seeing how happy Stacey and Voodoo were together, till she met Slothful. It was during a more foggier season as Jace was outside handling her flowerbeds when she discovered Slothful, whom was laying outside in the bushes, Jace took them in agaisnt Stacey's feelings as He didn't tust the giant robotic furry at all, while Voodoo saw that she should help them as it can't be that bad. Slothful was indeed a special addon to the group, as she would be chaotic but trying her best to appeal to everybody, Jace would be Slothful's Favorite person as Jace was the sweetest to them even if Sloth did once gave them chocolate not knowing Dpgs can't eat it, but later on a chain necklace because Stacey took Jace's orginal one for jeans.

Jace and Sloth would get together as a result of Sloth trying to understand why she felt oddly comfortable by Jace till Jace as a joked said "lets kiss :D" she do and both realize, how well shit historians would say she were roommates.

04 — Trivia

  • Jace owns a collection of Gloomy bear plushies and merch

  • Jace has purchased gir merch for Neather as a gift from getting saved on 80 bucks worth of items for her previous job when she first met Infernall

  • Jace doesn't like to use discord due to negative expierences of running a discord server full of horny people who made disgusting jokes towards them and the owner denying it because it wasn't important enough

  • Jace's favorite pokemon is charmander and Furfrou :)

05 — Relationships


Partner in crime :3

Jace loves her sloth dearly and would do anything for em


Close Friends

Jace and Neather are close friends due to her love of edgy music, though Jace is a little scared of Neather when she see them preform in Infernall's music videos as a psychotic killer whom stalks her victums like mice. Neather always gives Jace tough advice when it comes to small stuff but Jace enjoys Neather company if she do scare em.



Infernall took Jace under his wing, after she show empthay about the lawsuit from Jace's previous company, Infernall saw hope in the young person and decided to take em on with his social media which he wasn't the greatest at due to being 31. Infernall is a fun older guy whom is often mistaken for a girl because of his long hair and photos of him and his gf Daliah together. Infernall always tips Jace extra for her work, as Infernall could never understand things like photo shop as well as understanding the hell of retail work which Jace mention onced doing when she were 18.

