


7 years, 7 months ago



Gaven Ghost






Ghastly Gijinka, Lvl 66




Freelance Artist

Living Location

Gijinka City, home to pokemon Gijinka's. 


  • Rude 
  • Moody
  • Intimidating
  • Quiet
  • Sullen


  • Norma Ghost & Harem Ghost: Gaven's mother and father; he's not on good terms with either of them. They love him very much, but they do wish he were more like a ghost Pokemon ought to be. Because he is not as they had hoped, Gaven feels they treat him differently than his other siblings or relatives. So the relationship between parents and son is quite strained right now; this is why Gaven goes away for long periods of times, to keep away from all of the crap.  This is the main reason Gaven refuses Verti's pleas to visit his home and meet the family.
  • Skater: 
  • Ozzy: 
  • Hailey:
  • Verti: Gaven's girlfriend. She is the complete opposite of him and yet somehow they became a couple. Despite how he comes across, Gaven does care for Verti; she knows he does too <3. 
  • Luna: Gaven's ex. Even though Luna cheated on him they remained stable friends. When Gaven has problems he wants to run away from, Luna's residence is one of many places he likes to chill at in peace. 
  • Spring: 


  • Art (Graffiti mainly)


  • His species of ghost Pkmn 


Gaven has a set of 4 moves like an original Pokemon would have. Those are: 

  • Mean look;  prevents the target from switching out or fleeing
  • Shadow Ball; user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. It may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
  • Toxic; badly poisons the target, and has an accuracy of 85%
  • Destiny Bond; if the user faints as the direct result of an attack the attacking Pokemon also faints.
  • Intangibility: Phase through physical matter (walls, floors, etc)

Mini Bio

Gaven is one of the many ghost Pokemon Gijinka's that reside in the various Pokemon regions. He specifically fits in with the Ghastly (plus all it's evolution) family. Unlike his kind, which are normally full of thrills, chills and excitement, Gaven is quite the opposite. Gaven's personality is so unhappy and sad it's, well....depressing. However, he wasn't born with any disorder that effects the emotions; his parents had him checked plenty of times from numerous doctors. Gaven is just utterly sullen by choice. The only true passion he takes pride in is art, specifically graffiti artwork. The few friends Gaven has can be counted on one hand and relationships never worked out past a few weeks in. The bond with family Gaven has is at an all-time low as well; being anti-social, living a life of loneliness didn't bother him one bit. 

It wasn't until a fateful encounter with a hyperactive Spinda aka miss Verti, that Gaven started to show a tad more emotion than usual. Despite how completely opposite they were, somehow a relationship formed. So yeah Gaven was still Gaven but at least he had like...2 friends and an annoying but loving girlfriend in his life. <33