Lailah's Comments

Since I’m in a huge dragon kick (and more specifically on a “humans that can transform into dragons or vice versa” kick), I instantly gravitated towards Lailah. She has a brilliant name to match her brilliant gold eyes and freckles, and her dragon form expresses the same attributes—stunning and strong. The fact that she picks the day she met Princess Erin to represent her birthday is charming, and I’m a sucker for characters who make authority/guardian figures uncomfortable by being needlessly lewd. She sounds like a rowdy, assertive kind of gal. Perfectly fitting of a dragon!

It’s not necessarily a critique, but if I could change one thing about her profile, it would be how curtailed it is. The size makes it manageable and readable, but I want to learn more details of how she met the princess, and where she lived before that.

Over all she’s a great character with lots going for her. Nicely done!

oh my god I'm in love with her? First of all she's so beautiful but in a strong "kick your ass" kinda way skadjfldsjf
second of all she goes out of her way to piss of conservative old men and that's my bread and cheese tbh I love that sort of thing xD
She's dating a princess and she's a dragon shifter and that was probably an intentional twist on the dragon guarding the princess thing
I love it I hope they're happy forever aaaaahhh---