


3 years, 8 months ago




Sumi is a lone wolf type of crewmate, often quiet in meetings unless they think they saw something, and not trusting anyone being even 6 feet away from them. Especially since last time they tried to trust someone. On top of being scared by fellow crewmates, they also are scared of being anywhere near vents, even to do tasks, sometimes not finishing them before stopping to check behind their shoulder.

And I mean, they have a valid reason for paranoia: They almost always end up dead.

This doesn't help social skills, being more detached than usual. Expected if you're dead more than alive.

Never the less, they've became accustom to the sweet feeling of death from impostors breaking their necks. They've became an efficient dead crewmate, losing any fears yet even more distanced from people to do tasks. 

However, things change a bit when Sumi gets a bit... curious. As impostor, she gets real experimental: "How many things could I sabotage in a short time period? What happens if I DO go near people? Could I do impostor solely on sabotage and not vent nor kill (spoiler alert, that one didn't work)?" as a rule of thumb, she still try and generally stay away from others. She LONGS for the euphoria from this, from not only being alive for once but not worrying about being killed off. She actually feels alive.

Other shit:

-Along with being away from people, they are much quieter and slower at speech than usual.

-Their favorite thing to do is have a reactor breakdown, where she even killed a ship once like that

-They have yet to have a full bloodlust round, maybe soon.

-If they win as imposer, they'll put down their googles. No one knows why