💣 Salem



3 years, 8 months ago


Salem Mei-Fuarez

8354573?1601334020 HP 100%
Attack 75%
Defense 50%
Speed 65%
Dexterity 80%
Intellect 100%
Charisma 90%
Luck 70%


Name Samuel Alexander-Lewis Eugene Mei-Juarez
Alias Salem
Age N/A
Gender Male
Species Immortal human soul
ethnicity Japanese American
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Height 6ft3
Build fit
Demeanor Relaxed
Moodboard Salem moodboard

"Im not like other boys, I cook meth for fun..."

  • The colour Purple
  • Immortality
  • Horror Video games
  • Hedgehogs
  • driving
  • People who one up on him
  • Self weakness
  • Water/ swimminga
  • mess


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Hand to hand combat

Manufacture and invension

Chemical handling

Video games [hard mode yeehaw]


Cant swim

Had a childhood stutter that comes back in moments of weakness

Can be annoyin af

Skills & Abilities

Alike Friday, Salem is an immortal soul, although much younger then his counterpart, Salem has learnt to take his immortality in his stride, uing his immunity to death but his sensation of pain to be able to become unpredictable and dangerous.

Salem gained a rare trait when Time and Space gifted him with his immortality - he was able to travel as Space would, a trait Friday did not receive upon his immortality.

Third eye
Another strange mutation that came with Salem's immortality is a great sense of empathy, but only when he looks someone in the eye, he tends to avoid intense eye contact to prevent with connection to people

Salem has a natural charisma to him, enabling him to appear charming and sweet, even with the most malicious intent



no spell check warning, i'll do it later lol

Samuel Mei-Fuarez was born in 1920s New york, his father having moved from Japan to America at the young age of 17 to persue his dream of creating the first ever working hover engineering. After meeting Samuel's mother however, he put his dreams on hold very temporarily to start a family. Samuel, being the second youngest of four grew in a rather tight family, there was a lot of them, but his mother's steadily progressing fame in her field, and the money his father bought in from his engineering business kept the family on their feet, wealthy during the great depression that seemed to slanter so many. Samuel didnt see either of his parents much in his very early years, he was looked after by a multitude of nannys that tutored, cleaned and bought him up, before he was old enough for schooling. And when he was finally shipped off to school, Samuel was sent to one of the more prestigious boy's boarding schools in the city, with his older cousin Tomoya as his sponser: a boy who was currently a well loved senior at the same school.

Samuel had retaliated his education, he was easily distracted, he didnt care much for lessons and talked down to his proffessors, many a time had a hand been laid on him for his disobediance, and many a time had his family's money come into play to drag him out of the trouble smuggly, usually getting those who punished him in a worse form of trouble. At the age of 16, Samuel was showing similar intelligence to his father despite his uninterest in his studies, he was a natural genius, able to consult and evaluate in the scientific field with ease, his grades never faltering in the top tier of his classes, enabling a more leniant eye on him from his seniors when he slunk out of the school gates to parade town, or skipped a class entirely here and there to drink with a couple friends outside of school. It was at this age Samuel met young Jesse, the boy with raven hair. He was silent, shy even, despite an aura of power and dignity surrounding him, he held himself like the heir of a royal, dressed like high class in red and black, a stange personality suited to a stranger's face, but he was sweet and kind, and Samuel immidiately found himself getting along with the stranger. They met up frequently in the cafe outside of Samuel's school, having met in the same place three months prior when Samuel couldnt find a seat and Jesse had kindly offered him his. Jesse had smled gently then, the sort of smile that could have appeared sad, how his eyes drew down to the coffee in his hand, and it was a smile that both enamoured and empathised with Samuel, and for the first time in a long time, the young boy found himself curious about who this strange man was. He had no family, that was clear, and he rarely talked about his life: his job, his riches, his home, all foreign to the young boy. But Jesse listened to him talk, allowed him to natter and ramble about life and study, it was nice, refreshing even, and Samuel learnt to be himself around his friend.

When Sam wasnt with Jesse, he was hanging around his school dorm mates, for 3 years he hung out with them, keeping in touch up until graduation and moving into a university. Salem moved in and out of friendship groups frequently. he got involved with gangs, took drugs living his university life dangerously and on the edge, many a time had he almost been kicked out but never for studying reasons, therefore keeping him in due to his incredible grades. his final mistake was decidingto go out with a group of pals outside of his university, they were drunk and their intoxication ended with the car been driven into a lake outside of town. Samuel's friends drowned, but a guardian angel was looking down in Samuel and he was pulled from the car by a man of a familiar face: his friend Jesse. Samuel smiles, thankful that the last face he gets to see is that of his good friend. Everything goes white, he breaths, and his body stills.

an aftermath of Meeting Death

If Samuel had been told he had befriended death before his passing he would have laughed, and yet here he was, stood with a steady heartbeat as Jesse, as well dressed as ever, comforted him back to health. he was in an unfamiliar room, though him and Jesse were not alone. And the faces surrounding him were not normal human faces, they were that of an unfamiliar ethereal appearance. 5A/mu@*L's initial reaction had been a not very surprising one of fear and confusion, but after a week of rehabilitation, he had slowly grown used to his new sityation: His friend was a deity, and one of death, and Samuel had died but rewarded his paused soul of eternal life by the god he had befriended. WIP NEED TO PROOF READ REEEEE




[ Enemy ]

"Friday is the other guy who dont seem to die, and beleive me, I've tried to end his sorry life on many an occassion... Dunno his real name, dont know who he really is at all, but he seems to be dead facing, hopefully soon he wont be my problem any more..."



[ Creator ]

"How can ya dislike lil miss Time ey? She has told me off a couple times for 'interfereing with history' but she mainly keeps out of me way. Told me once she regrets saving my life but I dont hold it against her, I'da regret it too if I were her hahaaa"



[ relationship ]

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