


3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info



Name meaning











Voice Over


Personality: Charismatic. Intelligent. Opportunistic. Three words that have been used to describe Nazgul since he was a youngster. Nazgul is a force to be reckoned with, a voice of reason, of logic, one that cannot be ignored. He is charming, enigmatic and somewhat overbearing at times, especially in his beliefs. Yet, he is fiercely loyal. fiercely devoted to his cause and what he aims to achieve. He is caring, attentive and would be the ideal mate if he could settle down. Mares and stallions alike have been drawn to his presence, and whilst both could be utilised, he prefers the ladies. Nazgul enjoys crowds, he is a leader and he knows he is damn good at it. A good listener to all who require it, he will use such avenues to harvest the information he requires - some may consider him sneaky, vindictive but justice knows no bounds. Despite his somewhat charming and old world approach, Nazgul is not afraid to fight for what he believes in, no matter the cost.

History: Born in to the harem of the Golden Dawn, Nazgul was destined for something untoward, something far different to most. Branded by the herd lead at only half a year old, both he and his twin, Ophelia, were thought to be of the purest blood. Yet, as the years progressed, Nazgul was turned. He found impurities where others did not, he saw the blasphemy, the hollow truths and blatant lies, the darkness that so many of his kin concealed. Nazgul could not allow such tyrannical behaviour go unchecked within the home he loved. As the years rolled on, Naz bided his time. He waited, gathering information on all, particularly his own twin. years seemed to drip by, Nazgul worked his way through the herd, advancing to advisor of the King. Finally though, as the King stood upon the mount, delivering his sermon, Naz struck. He took the podium from the king, throwing his body to the ground as he delivered honest truths about the herd and the king. They turned on him, one blinding him in the fray yet it was Naz who came out victorious. It was Naz who stood above the fallen, the slain, the impure as he stared at his sister, watching as she fled him with the those who survived. He would find her. He would cleanse her as he cleansed the King and his was just a matter of time.