


3 years, 8 months ago



* General Information *


Past Names: Finkit, Finpaw

Sex: Female 

Gender: Female 

Pronouns: She / Her

Age: 28 Moons

Joining Age: 28 Moons

Rank: Warrior 

Clan: Windclan

Description: Somewhat short in height, cream colored pelt which consists of brown markings that cover her pelt, her eyes are a dark brown, her cheek tuffs and tail are surprising fluffy.

Breeds: Tabby Bicolor

Fur Color: Cream

Fur Color 2: Brown

Fur Pattern: Brown tabby like markings that cover her pelt

Other Defining Feature(s): Fluffy cheek tuffs and a rather fluffy tail to match.

Eye Color: Brown

Nose Color: Brown 

Pad Color: Dark brown

Scarring: None

Disabilities: None

* Education *

Mentor(s): Russetstrike

Current Apprentice: N/A

Past Apprentice(s): Leopardmist

Time of Apprenticeship: 6 Moons

Excelling Skills: Combat

* Stats *

Level: 1















* Personality *


 Affectionate - This She-cat has been known to show her fondness for her friends and family, she'd do the same to whomever steals her heart.

Sensitive - She'll tend to notice things, other's feelings, and thinks deeply before she speaks. Especially if something has upset some-cat, she'd do whatever she could to lend a helping paw, even if it's just words.

Loyal - Finwillow vows to protect her clan with her life and will continue to prove her loyalty, even if some doubt her.


Confidence - There are times where Finwillow tends to doubt herself, especially if it involves an upcoming battle. 

Intelligence - Although she may be a smart she-cat, her knowledge may or may not gotten her into trouble in the past. Like arguing over what technique is best for the current situation? Since some cats tend to panic too soon and make a mistake.

Kind - Be wary of when Finwillow appears to be in a mood, there's a possibility you'll get a nick in your ear. Other than her moodiness, she's a kind cat who can have a kind heart so don't be afraid of her. 


Emotional - She often lets her emotions get the best of her and acts out upon it, sometimes ending with her in a bind.

Curious - Curiosity killed the cat? It would take a lot but if Finwillow feels that something isn't right, she'll offer to check it out first. With a possibility of leading herself into danger, that doesn't stop her but one day it might.

Short Tempered - Finwillow may seem like a sweetheart at first glance but if some cat starts throwing insults that are directed at her or her loved ones, you better prepare to be snapped at. Best not to get on her bad side.

* History * 


Finkit was born from Talonsplash and Fawnstep, her mother had never had kits of her own but by some miracle, Starclan granted her wishes. But she wasn't alone, she had one sibling which her parents named Rowankit and they enjoyed kithood while they could. Like most kits, they would cause plenty of trouble, especially in the elder's den but kits will be kits as they say. Finkit would let her emotions get the best of her when the other kits teased her about her wanting to be a warrior, she'd growl at them and let a few tears fall. Thankfully, her brother Rowankit stood by her side and stood up for her. Not that she needed his help but she wouldn't dare let him know it either, he was the one to give her enough confidence to not give up. She was always thankful for having a brother around, they fought like siblings tend to do but they loved each other as siblings should too. They couldn't wait for the day that they too could become warriors like their parents.


Rowanpaw had received his apprentice name a few days before Finpaw, but on the day of Rowanpaw’s apprentice ceremony, she got into a fight with another apprentice. Although this time, she didn't start it but the older apprentice thought it would be funny to stir up trouble by insulting her parents but the insults were mainly directed towards Finpaw. Saying how she didn’t deserve to become an apprentice and how she was still slacking in her training. Her short temper had gotten her the best of her and left the other apprentice with a couple deep scratches on his right ear. The Windclan leader at the time felt like tending to the elders seemed like a fair lesson to be learned so when her ceremony came around some days later, she was given Russetstrike as a mentor. He was a strict mentor, some thought he was out of his mind for insisting to train young Finpaw and others hoped she'd learn something from his past experiences. Her training had its ups and downs, still, it was progress and her parents were so proud of her. When it came the time for her final assessment, Finpaw had just lost her father to an unknown illness and had chosen to not go through with her assessment. Rowanpaw refused to receive his warrior name until his sister did the same, he cared enough to wait until she was ready, no many how long it took. She kept to herself for about three days, not wanting to eat nor be around those closest to her but after a long talk with Russetstrike, she finally regained the confidence to attempt her assessment to which she passed.


Upon receiving her warrior name, Finwillow had proved her worth to the clan time and time again. Her confidence was slowly growing, thanks to Rowanleaf, her parents, and Russetstrike. That was until Rowanleaf lost his life... It was like any other day in the camp, warriors were coming in and going out for patrols to check the boarders or gather prey. On one of these said patrols, Finwillow and Rowanleaf were joined along with three of their other clanmates on what was hoped to be a normal border patrol. Rowanleaf was leading them along the path to check the Windclan boarder, something seemed odd when a large rabbit dashed out of the bushes and quickly made its way across the boarder and onto Thunderclan territory. Finwillow wanted to object when she noticed her brother taking off after the fast rabbit, she knew there had been a reason for it to be that terrified. Suddenly a fox charged quickly through the bushes where the rabbit had ran through just moments ago, terrified yowls of fear and anger came from the group. Though the fox paid no mind and raced on, Finwillow immediately thought of Rowanleaf and ran after the fox while ignoring her clanmates warnings. An ear splitting yowl echoed throughout the woods as Finwillow quickly approached a entryway that all three had took only to find her brother hanging from the fox's jaws. The rabbit was lying dead just beneath Rowanleaf, the warrior struggled to escape but from the struggling and the fox having him by the throat, there was no hope for him. Anger suddenly overcame the she-cat and she sprang forward hissing and raking her claws into the air, thankfully the patrol has followed suit and backed her up sending the fox on it's way. Finwillow's heart was broken...watching her brother fall from the jaw's of the fox to hit the ground with a thud and she raced forward to attempt to help him. Tears streaked her cheeks as the tom tried to speak, "Sister...I'm sorry..." Moons passed and things were slowly getting better for the she-cat, she still missed her brother just like her mother did but she knows that when Starclan calls for her, they'll be a family again.   

* Sexuality *

Status: Single 

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic

Current Attraction: None

Past Attraction: None


✔- Sweetness

✔- Reliably

✔- Bravery

✔- Sense of humor

✔- Honest

Turn offs:

✘- Arrogance

✘- Rudeness

✘- Carelessness 

✘- Disloyalty


Current Mate: None

Past Mate(s): 

Flings: None

Fertility: 50/100

* Relationships *

Father: Talonsplash (Whereabouts unknown)

Mother: Fawnstep (Alive)

Littermates: N/A

Siblings: Rowanleaf (Deceased) 

* Other Relationships *



* Trivia *

Finwillow wishes to have kits of her own someday but she has yet to find the right tom.