
7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


73, appears to be physically 23


Crimson Knight, Secretary to the Fox


Rabbit Ferune


Sage is a light brown and cream rabbit ferune with floppy ears. She is small, just five foot tall if she stands on the tips of her toes, and slender. Clothing wise she tends to dress in a red shirt, black pants, and her red scarf that marks her as a member of the Crimson Knights.


Sage is rather serious when compared to other rabbit ferune. This could be because of her age and that she does take her duties seriously... most of the time. She will poke fun and sass the Fox when she knows she can get away with it. When dealing with those outside of the Order she will be helpful, and genuinely likes children.


Her Story

Sage started out like many in the Order of the Crimson Knights, a squire dedicated to ridding the lands of undead. She joined the order at the age of fourteen, just starting out on her own after a necromancer let loose undead on her village. She was accepted quickly, and worked her way up the ranks that a mortal could until her permament death at the age of twenty three. Her master allowed her to Accend at that moment, taking on further responsibilites and doing less field work. 


After ten years the Fox took her in as his secretary, a position that was well respected if a bit... different than what she expected. Sage found her focus shifting further to preforming High Magics, making the Fox's tea and generally keeping order in his home. It afforded her a spacious living quarters for herself, but with it came the mountains of paperwork that Fox either didn't want to, or simply didn't have time to complete. 


While she sees the field less often in recent years, Sage does keep her fighting skills sharp with spars and the occasional hunt. 

Things have taken a turn for the more active with rumors of a powerful necromancer being sighted in the Ashton area along with a Wraith King that even the Adventurers are having difficulties in subduing.