


23 years old






August 03

Additonal Information

Character Banner by hyst3rical. There are several occurances of Damion being drawn without the exposed internals or his scars, however these are mostly small low effort doodles. He is one of my oldest OCs, and he was made by SleepiinqJupiiter on DeviantArt. He is the favourite child

For ease of Access, His full ref can be found Here

Tongue / Scars


Organs / Mouth


Brow Markings


Left Sclera



Damion is a well mannered gremlin. He is quite known for his playful theatrics, however should the situation be less playful he takes on a much more serious persona. Being the elder of the two, Him and his brother Dex have a great bond and close relationship. This has led them to great trouble more than once. Damion has been known to get in more than his fair share of fights, resulting in some injuries such as; Exposed ribs and slight organs, His scelara having turned black, and a handful of scars littered across his body. They don't seem to bother him.


  • Swearing
  • Music
  • Mythology and Folklore
  • Reading
  • Collecting Trinkets
  • Urban Exploration
  • Sharp Things
  • Thunderstorms


  • The Heat
  • Being sick
  • Kypris
  • Being woken up
  • Disrespect
  • Bossy people



Dexter is Damion's younger brother, and one of his best friends. Having spent so much time together they developed a strong bond with each other. While they love to annoy anyone in the vicinity, they frequently target their antics towards the other.

Dexter doesn't quite have the same reputation or social group that Damion has obtained, more or less in the shadow of his big brother. Dexter doesn't mind one bit, as this allows him more freedom to have fun with his friends without the stress of the spotlight. He worries for Damion when he's gone for long periods of time but he is confident in his brothers ability to survive.



Although Damion identifies as Ace and on the Aro scale, he still enjoys the companionship he has with Kaisa, As she feels the same in return.

Kaisa isnt as well identified as Damion is, but this doesn't seem to affect their friendship and companionship. Kaisa is the youngest child of her family, so her increased freedom and lack of outside pressure to exceed expectations means she has plenty of time to spend time with (code for harrass) Damion; with the help of Dex of course.


Best Friend

These two have been friends since they were young. Both being the eldest child of their respective families, they have both ascended the same status of Asterian. Unlike Damion, however, Asmo prefers to keep more in touch with his bonded power, this causes his relativley more unatural appearance.

They're close enough for so long they are practically family, considering each other as brothers (including Dexter too!)