Annaisha Emiko



7 years, 6 months ago



 Name Emiko Annaisha
 Age 16
 Specie Human
 Height  152cm
 Weight 45kg 
 DOB September 9th

 | Enthusiastic | Social | Gentle |Patient | slight OCD | Perfectionist | Stubborn | Nostalgia 

She is youthful spirited, outgoing, likes to make friends and go shopping. Despite being born in a traditional Japanese family, she is willing to try new things since she is an open-minded person. She likes to see the best in people; their achievement can easily impress her. 

However, Emiko can be her own worst critic, as she is too often aiming for perfection; she works hard to achieve the result she wants to and will still not be satisfied with it, even if you try to tell her the otherwise. Her OCD concerned mainly in tidiness, keeping space neat and spacious to give her peace in mind. Although, if you can see her when she is facing deadlines, all those things will no longer matter lol.

Emiko can be living in the past and unable to move on sometimes. It's hard for her to resilient back to present after an emotional event. So even though she is an outgoing person, she would need her time for peace of mind per usual.