


3 years, 8 months ago


NAME: Ione
GENDER: Female
AGE: ???
POSITION: Factory Employee, Barraca Mansion Bodyguard
INSTRUMENT: of murder-

A loud, passionate young woman who appeared in the Metro Division one day from seemingly out of no where. Ione made a name for herself by improvising weapons and sneaking into the apparently sought-after mansion to get a glimpse at the shows going on. They were fascinating! Talented boys!

She was apparently hired after Neon J witnessed her beat an overly aggressive fan into submission before they could make it on stage.

Ione makes sure the factory is running smoothly and is usually speaking with The Captain over walkie-talkie. Yknow despite...there...being much easier and newer methods. Talking like a military-lady most of the time is a little weird, but, its fun! 

Spending time with the boys is the most fun though! Ione’s like a weird aunt who just wants to make sure everyone’s happy and safe! And god forbid you put her Captain or boys in danger...

💜 her name is also a reference to 1010
IO = looks like 10
NE = symbol for Neon 

💜“Ione” means “violet flower” so she gets to be the purple member!

💜 her chest-piece and earrings glow!

💜 shorter than all of them. her boots don’t help as much as she wished.

💜 an excellent sniper. don’t ask. you don’t wanna know.

💜 can and will fight you. don't provoke her.

💜 has started collecting some of Neon J's figurines! she thinks they're charming.

💜 stabs as a warning

💜 very emotional and has a big heart, which often gets in the way of her work.

💜 she means well though! not the smartest unfortunately...

💜 doesn't really have musical talent...the boys and Neon J are teaching her to dance! she'd like to sing someday...