
Name: Aldric (Al) Hirsch
Age: 21
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'7
Birthday: 29/9
Species: Human

Occupation: Student/ Gang Member
Magic: Primarily Gravity, Secondary Mind
Skills: Magic, Gravity Magic, Mind Magic, Psychology, Biology,
Goals: To Fight against Supernatural discrimination and show others how wonderful magic can be.


- He is apart of a famous gang called "The Reds" In NY.
- Born and raised in France until he was 11 years old, then moved to NY to attend high school there.
- He is naturally talented in most magic's, though specialises in Gravity and Mind Magic.
- He is very good at manipulation and Mind Games, though he isn't one to abuse these skills.
- He joined "The Reds" after being saved by a member when he was 18, he at first joined cause he had a crush on the guy, but later developed loyalty to the cause regardless.
- He's a really sweet guy, It is very easy to get yourself wrapped around his finger.

Brought For: 25 USD
Current Worth: 25 USD