Fade (Sona) (Nubby (Goat/Faunsona))



3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Fade 

Nickname: Nubby, Nubby Horns, Miss Nubby, Nubbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Pygmy Faun

Height: 1’6 in goat form, 3’5 in faun form

Nubby works as a maid for an enchanted Bed and Breakfast that exists in a mystical dream realm inhabited by spirits, dream creatures, and nightmares. Her employer is an eccentric old witch that put her to work after she fell into a deep sleep induced by the pollen of Wish Lavender in the “real” world. While sleeping, she travels to the dream realm and tends to the needs of the guests of the BnB. Returning to bed and falling asleep in the dream realm allows her to wake in her normal life until she sleeps again. While awake in each realm, she has no recollection of her other life, and simply goes about each day cycle in both worlds as normal. Staying awake late at night in either world can result in her waking late in the other, which can have consequences that cause her trouble. 

  • Nubby loves flowers, especially marigolds, bleeding hearts, and any plants that attract butterflies and bees. She often enjoys getting to garden, both in the real world and the dream realm, and keeps a number of flower pots in her bedroom. 
  • She has quite the sweet tooth, and often eats more chocolate and pastries than she probably should.
    She’s also a huge germaphobe and hates when things are dirty and gross, making her a perfect fit as a maid at the BnB, since she loves the feeling of a clean room when she’s finished her work. 
  • Nubby knows she’s not particularly great at dancing, but she likes to imagine she is when she dances in her room. Music makes her feel light and airy, and she wants to jump and twirl all around to the feeling of the sound when she hears it.  When she’s alone. Like, completely alone. She wouldn’t be caught dead dancing in front of anyone else, or even letting anyone know that she even likes dancing.
  • Nubby has had lifelong anxiety, and often struggles in social situations or being fully sure of herself. She gets extremely flustered when caught off guard, and often messes up her work when she knows someone’s watching her. This makes her feel very silly and incapable, and can cause her to cry because she’s so sensitive. 
  • She also hates having to shapeshift in or out of her goat form in public, as returning to her faun form causes her to be stark naked (aside from her collar), which is extremely embarrassing. On rare occasions, she may shift involuntarily when startled. 
  • Nubby can sometimes be quite sensitive about her size, partially because she always struggles to reach high places unlike most around her, but also because she often finds her height and babyface result in many not taking her seriously or listening to what she has to say. Despite this, she does enjoy looking cute, and may use this trait to her advantage to manipulate people if she’s able. Though, this isn’t typically her go-to strategy, as she’s typically very honest and feels very guilty when misbehaving or mistreating others.