


3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Molly Redd


TWD (TV show)





Weapon of Choice

Bow and arrow, handgun


Libra Sun, Gemini Moon






-Molly is an extremely optimistic individual, but not in a stupid sense. She believes almost anything is possible- surviving the zombie apocalypse and keeping her loved ones safe while she does it, for example, is a feat that she knows can be achieved if she tries hard enough. Almost nothing can keep her down for very long, and she strongly dislikes the idea of wallowing/brooding, or allowing herself to revel in self-pity. She will always attempt to find the bright side in a situation, and remains stubbornly cheerful in the midst of a dying species.

-A quick-thinker first and foremost, Molly’s mind simply is able to work faster than most people’s would. This makes her able to react swiftly and promptly in any given situation, while others might still be frozen in shock (or horror.)

-The phrase ‘slacking off’ does not exist to Molly- she is an extremely hard worker. Even when things seem calm enough to be an invitation to relax and kick back, Molly finds herself unable to rest. It isn’t so much that she loves busy work as the fact that she is constantly coming up with new ideas, ways to improve things, or imagining various ways something might go wrong if she doesn’t fix it before it even happens. While she does possess a ton of nervous energy, she is exceptional at channeling it into productive means.

-Full of warmth and compassion, Molly often cares more for everyone else than she does for herself. She is sensitive to the pain of those she loves, and tends to sometimes be struck between her heart and her head when she is forced to make a tough decision.

-An excellent delegator and debater, Molly consistently finds herself naturally in the position of Rick’s second-in-command. While she may have trouble with indecision at times, she won’t hesitate to step up and make whatever choice seems most right to her, and the other survivors gravitate to her, knowing that she will always be as fair and just as possible.

-A helpful people-pleaser, Molly can seem like a bit of an overexcited, hyperactive puppy at times. She’s almost always the first to attempt to diffuse a situation of conflict, and she’s known to put aside her own opinions in order to keep peace among the group. This works mostly in her favor, as it serves to make her quite popular and well-liked in the circle of survivors. Well-liked by the majority, at least.

-Molly’s innocent naivete causes a lot of problems in the beginning, as she naturally likes to believe the best of humanity. It only takes the incident of Maggie (and Glenn) being kidnapped by the Governor for her to undergo an almost-complete transformation, only whole-heartedly trusting those in the survivors’ group and keeping them fiercely close to her. She does manage to retain her urge to do the right thing and help humans out when possible, even if her attempts to do good would be scoffed at or mocked by more sensible and logical-thinking individuals.

-It’s very rare to see Molly truly angry, mainly because she is able to laugh a lot of issues off or keep her frustrations hidden well and tightly under wraps, but one thing that does set her off is when someone breaks rules. Molly is naturally adventurous, but she despises others who willingly do things that could put others in danger. She tends to see it as foolish and selfish.

-While Molly’s protectiveness is often respected and revered, she can too easily become possessive of people that are ‘hers.’ The feeling is so intense that it can make her unnerved, but it at least means that she is nearly always on her toes and watching out for anything that could threaten her group.

-Molly’s talkative nature can, at times, be rather annoying for others, but at the worst of times, it can reveal secrets that may be better left untold. She is a tad too honest with words that aren’t hers to share with people she loves.

-Molly can be a bit judgmental and picky, but it is quite rare for her to share her less-than-pleasant thoughts about others outloud- she has less trouble keeping her //own// honest feelings to herself. Instead of complaining to someone about a job or task they did ‘wrong’, she will simply go behind them and ‘fix’ their mistake- if she does tell them about it, she tells them later and very casually so as not to cause an argument.