Accalia Janan



3 years, 7 months ago


Full Name: Accalia Janan
Species: Timber Wolf
Gender/Pronouns: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5 feet and 5 inches tall

Power(s) (if furry/anthro):  
+ Produce electricity from her paw pads

Physical Description: A dark blue wolf with a yellow nose and red eyes. Her chest and stomach have heart designs on them, as does her knees. Her paw pads are yellow. Even darker spiky hair is on her head between her big ears. Thick legs.

Personality: She friendly towards those she meets, so long as they don’t present a threat to her. Doesn’t take too kindly to males who think they are better than any females. She will go out of her way to prove them wrong. Accalia protect those weaker than her until she’s certain they can defend themselves or are in a safer spot. Is curious when she meets new creatures that she hasn’t seen before.
Likes: (Minimum 3)
+ Hunting
+ Friendly beings
+ Helping those in need

Dislikes: (Minimum 3)
- Lemons
- Cats
- Arrogant Males

History: Accalia used to be apart of a pack where she would help teach the young ones on how to hunt. She was good friends with the alpha, till he died due to a disease. Then the new alpha came into power, and oh boy did she hate his guts. The new alpha tried to set up rules that would make females have to get a mate no matter what and they would have to do whatever their mate told them to do, no matter what. This didn’t sit well with Accalia and she tried to fight for all their rights. But instead of letting that happen, the alpha casted her out as she refused to listen and to use her as an example to the others.

Thus Accalia is a loner. She wanders around the forest where she makes her home, far from where her old pack lived. The only beings that ever really give her trouble are those gosh darn cats! If they are around and she makes a kill, they’ll gang up on her and steal it.


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