Lally Bourque



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Lally Bourque






January 3rd


5'8 ft


144 lbs







Romantic/Sexual Orientation





Warm and relaxed or occasionally have a undertone of irritation.




He is below average in height, standing at 5'8 and for the most part petite, the exception being his slightly chubby thighs. His medium olive skin is smooth and unmarked except for the small skull tattooed on his right ankle. His tousled leather brown hair stops mid neck and is rather thick, he usually brushes it in the morning and lets it be for the rest of the day. His eyes are pastel blue with short eyelashes but sometimes wears mascara and because he has a habit of squinting people often think that he is glaring at everyone. His lips are pink but often appear to be red due to his constant re-applying of lip balms or lip smackers. 


  • Easily irritated; he is easy to rile up but tends to ignore or go quiet instead of saying anything out of annoyance...rolls his eyes a lot. He's a lot more patient with Jackson and Manaque.
  • Lazy; unless it has to do with work he lacks the motivation to use his energy.
  • Caring; he tends to ignore this side of himself unless it's regarding his friends and family. Friends who would be sick, let's say, would get bullied into bed and he'd take care of them without saying he is actually worried about them.
  • Sarcastic; bad at holding back remarks but usually doesn't mean harm.


Pastel goth fashion.




Spicy food.


Being rushed.


He was the outcome of a one night stand but when his biological mother died giving birth to him and without anyone knowing the father he was sent to a orphanage. He met Jackson here and was raised together until they were 10 when Jackson was adopted by a woman named Manaque; they still went to the same school and Lally was allowed to come over sometimes. Manaque soon wanted to adopt Lally too but didn't have the money to raise another child but still treated him as her child as well. After turning 16 he moved out and got his own apartment; having had a job already. This is when he started to dress in pastel goth fashion and started to post his art of clothing ideas online. At his job he met Hazel and started dating a few months after Lally got his own place, they lasted until Lally was 18 but both no longer had feelings for each other by the time they broke up. They stayed friends and there was no hard feelings. He hasn't been in relationship since then but has had a few one night stands. When he turned 20 he got offered a job with a fashion designer he liked and now he still works the same job; pastel goth fashion illustrator/designer.


 Jackson Harliton | Brother figure | Best friend; grew up together and are close!

Manaque Harliton | Mother figure | Semi close and cares for each other.

Hazel | Ex boyfriend | Close friend; they get along well and can count on each other. Openly affectionate with each other, Hazel especially. 

Victor | Crush


  • Works as a pastel goth fashion illustrator/designer.
  • He found he was Greek and French due to Ancestrydna...Jackson convinced him to do it with him.
  • Finds spicy food disgusting and will make a fuss, will only eat a little bit for Manaque.
  • Will literally spit fish out but loves to eat crab.
  • Has a bad sense of time, often will sit down for two hours but think he only sat down for a few minutes. 
  • Being hugged from behind or being picked up will often help calm him down.
  • When around bigger people than himself he usually behaves in a submissive manner and this comes extremely natural to him. He often doesn't realize that he's behaving in this way.
  •  Got a skull tattooed on his right ankle for his 16th birthday.
  • Sometimes wonders why he was one of the few at his orphanage that didn't get adopted by anyone and feels unwanted; denies feeling this way but calls Manaque and Jackson to talk to them. Tries to remind himself that he has a family even if he didn't get adopted.
  • Goes on Netflix a lot; especially fond of watching Queer Eye, Brooklyn Nine Nine and Tokyo Mew Mew.
  • Lally meeting LittlePrince69 characters are within an au, not cannon.

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