Taz'tri (FFXIV)



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info






He / Him






Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)




~180 lb


Taz'tri Xerr
Medic | Scholar of the Nymian Kind | Good Soul


Short in stature and perfect in posture, Taz'tri is anything but an intimidating presence. His bangs - a striking white, in stark contrast to the rest of his thick, wavy black hair - fall ever over his eyes and glasses, a fact he seems to take little notice of. A faded white tattoo cuts across his face and hooked nose, and is always joined by a pair of round-lensed spectacles or goldrimmed shades. His clothing seems to have a perfect cycle, an outfit for every day of the week, and they never change. Save for special occasions.

As for disposition, few can boast a personality as genuine and empathetic as Taz'tri. Always quick to smile, he values being polite and kind to others over most else, and it can get him into trouble - or into situations he doesn’t feel comfortable with, and with no way out. Even as he’s unable to look people in the eyes, he tries his best to at least face in the direction of whoever he’s speaking to or address. With varying success.


Taz'tri was orphaned at age three, and has never found a clue as to who his parents were. While he wonders occasionally, he’s reveled in the family he was given by his two adoptive parents, Aernthota and Raging Storm. The two had been a couple for a decade before finding - and deciding to adopt - the runt of a Miqo'te. However, not knowing any Keepers of the Moon well enough to ask for assistance naming their new child, they approximated as best they could, with the help of what little memory Taz had of his prior life. Though he suffers some embarrassment, Taz'tri has never seriously considered changing the name.

The two raised him in a small house outside Limsa-proper, letting him sneak off most days to learn at the Archanists guild while the two went to work - Raging Storm to the Maelstrom and Aernthota to the Armorer’s guild. Come his eighth year, Taz began complaining about his vision dimming. Both parents agreed to visit a medic, who revealed the source: his eyes were starting to deteriorate, a problem caused by a type of hereditary blindness.

Sure enough, by age eleven all of Taz'tri’s sight had left him. Undeterred, he continued to labor at learning the arts of magic - turning his focus to the schools of healing. Hearing of the Conjurors Guild in Gridania, he turned to his parents with requests to travel to the Shroud and learn what he could. His parents, understanding there was little else to do, gave into his pleading on his fifteenth birthday and gave him their blessings to make the trip.

Three years of dedicated studying and many, many writing-assisted letters later, Taz'tri returned to Limsa Lominsa. But he didn’t just return with newly acquired knowledge - he came bearing a Scholar’s Soul. And with the soul came a faerie, whom he calls Emily. The two are almost inseparable, and Emily is often tucked comfortably in Taz'tri’s bags, pockets, or perched on his shoulder. She communicates to him in a buzzing kind of tone that no one else so far has been able to understand, save him. She lends him a hand in navigating settings he doesn’t feel comfortable asking for help in.

Now, all his focus and energy is channelled into his work as a public medic and scholar in his Free Company. He offers his services of basic healing, wound treatment, and specialized internal trauma and poison care to adventurers and normal residents of Eorzea alike - and at limited cost. But, because of his reduced fees, it’s rumored he still lives in Limsa Lominsa - with his parents. Even still, he travels often, meeting friends and patients in most capital cities and a small number of outlying towns.