

3 years, 7 months ago


Lumen Crezia

"I can afford to gamble. I'm good at it."
Name [Lumen Crezia | The Vampirebane] 
Name Pronunciation [Lo͞omən Kre-tsyah]
Species[Demon/Dark Elf/Human]
Age[249 years]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/Her]
Orientation [Bisexual]
Occupation [Detective: Vampire Hunter]
Residence [Stationed In Wintermute]
Status [Alive]
  • Pheromones: Vanilla & Spiced Oranges
  • Flower: Moon Orchid
  • DOB: Unknown Date
  • Sign: Pisces
  • Favorite Color: White
  • Height: 5'8
  • Eyes: Lavender
  • Hair Color: Grey | Silver-blue
      Length: Medium
           Texture: Thick, silky
               Style: Swept behind ears
  • Skin: Light brown | Rich | Smooth
  • Shape: Hourglass
         Tone: Muscled

Born to a demon father and a dark elf/human mother in the cruel desert biome of The Hinterlands, Lumen learned from a very young age the importance of self-preservation and a reserved nature. There are many shades to Lumen "The Vampirebane" Crezia; her personality having to constantly evolve and become shaped by her setting and those surrounding her. Surface-level wise, Lumen can be noted to be a tough-as-nails detective specializing in vampire dispatchment, presenting herself with confidence, perhaps even a little arrogance, a haughty tilt to her tone and a challenging raise of a pale eyebrow. Under the right circumstances, she has potential to be charismatic and may even surprise you with a dashing sense of humor, though to let one's guard drop around her is foolish. With lucid lavender eyes, Lu is constantly taking in her environment, absorbing information like a sponge to the smallest nervous chuckle to the briefest flash of emotion, equally immediate to locate a weakness of some sort to give herself the upper hand should things turn to combat.

Her presence in a room can be overlooked, as, at first glance, she may appear quiet and out of the way, perhaps even blending into the shadows in a corner of a room as she weighs the situation and conversation. Though, to dismiss her entirely is a mistake not to be made twice. She can lack social etiquette and select manners befitting of a lady, giving her more masculine mannerisms both that come natural to her and that she's picked up from her many male and masc companions that she's made while working for the Albany Detective Agency (ADA). Although, she is entirely capable of putting up the image of a docile, submissive and fine maiden when the need arises, such as a job that require her to put on the act or in social situations with high-ranking officials.

Work-wise, Lumen is always serious when it comes to vampire hunting. She loathes vampires with a seething passion and will not hesitate to act if it means ridding the world of one more leech, whether it be male, female or even a child. She could be considered a workaholic, relocating to Wintermute - the vampire populace capital - specifically to obtain more vampire contracts in the area. Though previous trauma related to the creatures have seen her with an almost obsession, Lumen is secretly desperate for some normalcy in her life, which has encouraged her to find other small joys in hobbies such as cooking, dancing and taking care of her potted plants.

On an intimate level, Lumen has proven to be a loyal friend to her closest companion, Polyhymnia, the elf-harpy sorceress and a fellow detective at the ADA. Always there to chat and be someone to confide in, Lu would happily give her life for those she cares for. She exhibits far more open behavior, easily laughing, joking and teasing, though Lu is equally known to be silently possessive of those close to her, growing a little jealous if a friend shows preference in another, though its never something she would bring up in conversation. On a physically intimate level, such territory has still yet to be uncovered in a genuine light.  Lu is engaged-to-be-married, her fiance, Kirk, is yet another desperate attempt at normalcy, one that she lacks the ability to be intimate outside of the flesh with.

Beneath it all is a woman who is silently and begrudgingly attempting to find her place in life still, her heart shown to have sides of compassion and kindness  even though it seems to be to be rotted with hate and abrasions from wounds of the past that had not yet healed when it comes to her work. 

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Nunc ac ex lorem
  • Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies
  • Vivamus pulvinar arcu nec nibh fermentum, vel elementum massa vehicula
  • Etiam id metus vitae odio eleifend aliquam
Silver Serum
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac ex lorem. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan. Sed porta mattis rhoncus. Cras ac leo ut nibh scelerisque dapibus egestas sit amet nisi. Nunc pretium imperdiet posuere. Vivamus pulvinar arcu nec nibh fermentum, vel elementum massa vehicula. Ut quis magna blandit, posuere sapien ac, sollicitudin diam. Donec laoreet erat ac fringilla varius. Etiam id metus vitae odio eleifend aliquam. Vivamus suscipit eu ligula eu accumsan.

Maecenas suscipit sollicitudin lectus sed finibus. Mauris ullamcorper gravida lectus et laoreet. Proin eu elit non ligula feugiat sodales. Sed sed massa vitae nibh auctor interdum. Ut gravida sem eu leo suscipit, non ullamcorper dui cursus. Maecenas vel lobortis massa. Fusce sagittis metus massa, et tempus orci convallis eu. Donec non tortor rhoncus, consequat mauris vitae, placerat erat. Duis semper, metus vel bibendum interdum, felis sapien placerat mi, eget fringilla lectus quam sit amet arcu. Maecenas maximus nulla non nisi rutrum, non vulputate tellus ornare. Fusce quis tincidunt ex. Sed vitae sollicitudin odio. Quisque lacinia placerat efficitur.

Pellentesque dictum, dolor nec lacinia venenatis, orci purus fermentum ante, eget semper metus nunc eu ex. Nullam non quam ullamcorper, ornare lorem ac, tincidunt urna. Quisque suscipit ornare tortor eu sagittis. Ut luctus mauris a pellentesque hendrerit. Donec tincidunt pharetra malesuada. Vivamus blandit dolor faucibus justo pretium, a elementum odio aliquam. Duis volutpat vitae purus at facilisis.


Aliquam rutrum eleifend sem at dignissim. Quisque facilisis libero eu pretium ultrices.