
3 years, 9 months ago




"Death is a beautiful thing."

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  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Goddess of Souls
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Goddess
    • Religion Aftasomnia/Aftasomnism
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Unknown
    • Species Deity/Angora


    Death is a goddess with a young appearance. With the body of a girl, she has orange red eyes, which have a darker ring around the iris. Her pupils are slit like a cat or dragon and her black hair has a silver streak in the left side of her fringe. Her hair is often cut short at the back of her head, with the right side of her fringe being longer than the left. She also has a braid that goes around her head like a crown. A small tiara sits on top, which is silver with blue and red gems. Black skeletal wings come from her back, which come and go as she pleases. She often wears a lacy off-the-shoulder crop top and skirt. She rarely wears shoes, but likes to accessorise with a black rose choker and ankle bracelet.


    • BUILD Petite figure
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Everything and anything

    • FOOD Souls
    • COLOUR Dark red
    • ANIMAL Leeches
    • SETTING Funeral
    • WEATHER Hot and humid
    • DRINK Blood and poison
    • NUMBER Six hundred and sixty six
    • GENRE Dark comedy
    • ACTIVITY Making morbid jokes
    • TIME OF DAY Twilight


    • Fear
    • Her souls
    • Getting the respect she demands for


    • Life
    • Resistant souls
    • Harsh light


    • Collecting souls
    • Competing against Life
    • Gardening

    In this realm, the definition of size does not matter. With piercing red eyes, Death challenges both logic and reason. This pint size Goddess, despite her diminutive stature, stands taller than most. With an imposingly headstrong attitude and unusually friendly demeanour to all those that enter her domain, it would seem as though she is a strict, but fair goddess. In reality, she is spiteful, ruthless and most dangerously of all, cunning. Her facade is all but a ploy to attract new souls to her tree, whether it be in the present or the future. To put it bluntly, do not believe a word she says, it's all for her own benefit.


    • Headstrong
    • Smart
    • Works towards what she wants


    • Spiteful
    • SadisticCares not for the lives of others
    • Cares not for the lives of others


    As the Deity who guards the Tree of Death, this Goddess has one main aspiration. All she wants is to gain more powerful souls and become even stronger than Divinity herself. Currently, she seeks the souls of other Deities, although those are hard to come by so she mostly sticks to mortal souls, sometimes even collecting the soul of an Angel or Demon every now and again.


    • Losing her power/rank
    • Losing her souls


    • Competing with other deities
    • Scaring people, even unintentionally


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Unhinged/Unsettling
    • COMMON STARTER “Brave of you to enter my domain.”
    • SWEARS? Compulsively
    • QUIRKS Every other word is a swear word
  • Species

    [ Deity ] The universe revolves around Deities. They are powerful entities, capable of creating planets, land and sea, as well as other lifeforms entirely. Through tales of old, ancient stories engraved through time, these gods and goddesses give and take from the worlds they oversee. Some bring about darkness and disease, while others bring light and hope to the people who read their scriptures. Deities exist on almost every planet, some created by the citizens of their world, fake gods and goddesses that serve a purpose to scare, enlighten or give hope to the people. There are, however, true divine beings hidden among them, scattered throughout the galaxy. Most originate from a planet called Arcturus, born from a mysterious rift in the crimson sky above. From here, they are assigned to different worlds or given a place among the Arcturus ranks.


    [ Titan/Overgod ] A Titan or Overgod is the highest rank the divine can possibly obtain. They have to be incredibly powerful, have an eternity of experience and the utmost respect from the majority of gods and goddesses. It is their duty to watch over and protect the entire universe from threats that could possibly destroy the balance of all things. They are also tasked with looking after all the divine creatures ranked below them, making sure none fall out of line. They are the only ones without a need for a following, as their job to protect does not require people knowing about them.


    [ Angora ] An Angora is thought to be a creature of pure darkness and malice. They are extremely rare, often lurking in the shadows where no one can see them. It is due to this fact that no one really knows much about them. What they look like, how they act and what they can do is a complete mystery to others. In reality, Angora appear to have black, leather-like clothes. These clothes are actually a part of them as a second, thicker layer or skin. Since these creatures prefer to reside deep within caves and tunnels, its dark colour, along with their long, near black hair, allow them to blend almost perfectly into their surroundings. Angora often have corkscrew horns and long black claws that can retract at will. They also tend to have large, skeletal wings and a long, thin tail decorated in razor sharp blades. This terrifying appearance is designed to scare away dangerous predators and uninvited guests who wander into their territory, yet despite this, Angora are not as terrible or evil as people make them out to be.


    As a Goddess in the Titan or Overgod Rank, this Deity is considered one of the most powerful there is. No longer needing to rely on her following, Death is fully in control of her celestial magic, a magic nearly all Deities possess. This particular Goddess is half Angora, giving her the abilities and skills of one on top of her Deity powers. With her large skeletal wings and dark appearance, along with an unsettling personality, she can scare away anyone. These wings are also able to retract inside her back and come out whenever she wants to be more intimidating. Aside from this, she can also create a dark shadowy cloud. This cloud is made up of concentrated magic, where those within it lose all senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, forever. The unlucky ones may suffocate to death. It also has the possibility to drain people of their mana or life energy. In rarer cases, this shadow can tear a soul right from its body, but this does not work the same on Deities, as their mana and souls remain within them. As the Goddess of Souls, She is also the caretaker of the Tree of Death and helps keep the universe balanced by allowing people to die. She possesses the ability to see into a person's soul. This tells her how long it has lived and all the sins they have done in their lifespan. She can also take any soul for her own when the time comes. Her most prized souls are the ones she managed to take from other Gods and Goddesses during a time of war on Arcturus.

  • History

    Long ago, there was nothing, no stars or planets, just an infinite expanse of darkness. There were no forms of life, just nothingness and something later described as Celestial Energy. Celestial Energy is not a physical thing nor being, but rather, a mysterious divine power that seemingly came from nowhere. History tells of a story, when this strange energy collided with itself, creating an explosion that engulfed the whole expanse of space in a brilliant white. When it eventually subsided and died down, it left behind a rift, a glowing ball of distorted matter. This odd occurrence contained unique powers and alone, it managed to create a planet, a star and its moons. This one planet left alone in a sea of darkness, was Arcturus. The Rift that hovered in the sky above the planet then created a divine being with great powers. This was the very first goddess, Divinity. She was the one who single handedly built the universe out of nothing, yet when she almost reached the limits of what she could do, The Rift created a few more goddesses to help her finish what she started. Together, they created planets, creatures to live on them, and made a whole universe filled with untold wonders. All the while, The Rift created more gods and goddesses to help them when they needed it most. Divinity then assigned herself the job to watch over these Deities, essentially being a parent to them, guiding them towards their destinies. After Death was born, this Goddess was given a role to play. She now guards the Tree of Death and uses it to collect and store souls. The more souls she has, the more power she gains.


    As with most deities, this goddess was born from The Rift, a strange phenomenon that resides in the sky above Arcturus. It is believed that an entity lives within this rift, creating deities to fit individual needs and purposes, which is how the planet became its thriving self. After her creation, she was then allocated a role to play by Divinity herself, a role that perfectly suits her unique traits and abilities.

    Current Residence

    As the Goddess of Souls, this deity lives by The Tree of Death. This is located in the Afterlife’s Domain in The Grieving Lands and is a large tree, often barren of all life, black and charred. It is owned by Death, who uses it to collect and store the souls she takes, keeping them within the roots of the trees. The more she has, the more white and red flowers grow around it. These are called Blood Roses and are a symbol of her strength and power, on display for all who come to visit her.

  • Ancestry

    • Death was born from the void, making her true ancestry and origins unknown
    • Afterlife is essentially her father
    • Divinity is the closest thing she has to a mother or ancestor


    • How Death runs her religion, controls her power and gains greater followings
    • She has a secret vault where she keeps extra special, powerful and unique souls


    • As with most deities, this Goddess was born from the mysterious rift above Arcturus
    • It is believed to have created her with the idea that with life, must come death, as this keeps the universe balanced
    • Death is much younger than Afterlife, but their entwined powers are why they are classed as family, whether blood related or not