Hocus Pocus



3 years, 8 months ago


Bat Pony | Female

Description: Witchy, tricky, and friendly to a fault, Hocus Pocus is the one witch you want to run into in the middle of the night. Always armed with an oversized hat and a smile, Hocus Pocus travels both by flying and, when tired, broomstick, although many ponies are left wondering how a bat pony powers said broomstick. (A witch never tells!) Her attire suggests she has a slight obsession with cats, which... wouldn't be wrong. From a young age, it was glaringly apparent that Hocus Pocus would not only take up the family business of general witchery, but she would surpass her parents, and grandparents, and... well, you get the idea. Her magic is strange and doesn't always work out the way she wants it to (broomstick stop working fifty feet in the air? Good thing she has wings...) but when it does, boy, it works. From casting spells to making pebbles into toads, Hocus Pocus can do just about anything she sets her mind to, if she'd just stop fooling around and take things seriously for once!