


3 years, 8 months ago



Full Name Tan Nicknamed Imvelo, Luonto, Tiao, Tihaho, Asili, Tabiat, others?
Age 26 Gender Male
Origin Capim Town Race Leafeon
Role Side Character Alignment Good
Sellable Not For Sale Theme Song Unknown

This character was created to do something very different. Character is for the most part a normal leafeon, however, dice rolls using a d20 will be used in multiple aspects to randomly decide things, including things such as numbers (like gathering a # of items) or the effectiveness of an event (like attack, defense, perception, etc.) The results of the rolls are shared. For effectiveness rolls, 10 is neutral and the task is done just enough. 1-9 usually results in failure or accomplishing it at a detriment. 11-20 usually result in success with increasing degrees of ease or effectiveness. 1 and 20 result in extreme critical fails or successes that usually have comical results. In a 4th wall break, Tan is vaguely aware of these dice rolls fluctuating his luck, while others seem t be completely confused as to what he is talking about.








Tan is a very calm and friendly leafeon. He is a quadruped and appears feral, but is fully sentient and intellgent. He is a very tactical based fighter rather than using brute force. His gentle nature tends to make him reluctant to attack, but can quickly identify and rspond to a threat. Being part of a rescue team, he is generally inclined to help those in need of assistance and look out for the weaker pokemon. He would rather restrain an opponent than full on attack, leaving it to his allies to actually harm the opponent. Being a grass type, he is extremely familiar with berries and herbal remedies.


  • Forests
  • Rain
  • Grass
  • Sunshine


  • Hurting others
  • Fire
  • Cities
  • Escort Missions








To Be Determined

To be written.

To Be Determined

To be written.

To Be Determined

To be written.

To Be Determined

To be written.


Tan is a humorous leafeon that takes things day by day, moment by moment. He has a family, though most everyone has gone their separate ways and don't see each other often. However, he has stuck by one of his brothers, an umbreon, to form a rescue team of their own. The leafeon believes he should have some kind of nickname or alias to use, like a super hero name, sincehe is part of a rescue mission. Unfortunately, he seems to have a hard time actually sticking to one and keeps giving out different names. His brother tends to roll his eyes at this. Tan acts as the team's strategist while his brother is usually the muscle. As a rescuer, he is willing to accept pretty much any kind of mission, however despises any sort of escort mission as he does not like having to strategize for an unknown variable on how their escort will behave. The grass type has a unique ability to be able to communicate with plants, however the effectiveness tends to vary depending on what plants he is talking to. This comes in handy as the plantlife can alert him to the location of an adversary at all times, as well as provide guidance and direction. This can make ambushing him difficult, but not impossible as he is not constantly talking to plants.

High Roller

The leafeon has a d20 with him at all times, believing it to be good luck to do so. Whether it actually is good luck is debatable. When things don't seem to be going his way, he will often take the frustrations out on it. The die has come into play in battles at times to, sometimes using it as an attack or distraction. This usually happens when his luck seems to be on a streak, either good or bad if there is a thought it could be favorable to him. Sometimesthe best thing to d with bad luck is curse others with it. At times he seems like he is babbling to himself and slightly insane, talking as if the dice he rolls control his fate.

HTML by lowkeywicked