✦ Melori



3 years, 7 months ago


Name Melori
Called Mel
Age ???
Gender Cis Girl
S.O. Morosexual (lol)
Height 5'0"
Build Chubby & Pear-shaped
Race Entelexeia
Alignment True Neutral
ClassMage / Brawler

Shy Entelexeia

Curious . Ditzy . Dependable 

The beginning of Melori's life is... fuzzy. Hard to remember. Then again, she's been around so long, that even trying to picture events from when she was just a monster is a bit of a struggle! She remembers being an Axigle, yes. Definitely. She was happy, and had a family. At least, that's what she could remember, before she went to sleep. Even back then, Melori was a heavy sleeper. When a nearby Aer Krene began to go out of control, her monstrous companions were taken and transfixed by the influx of aer, and began to stampede away from their home. Melori, however, continued to sleep and began to mutate.

She wasn't aware of how much time had passed until a very large monster had woken her up. The biggest monster she had ever seen! After talking with this big monster, Melori learned a few things. They were not a monster, their name was Thanat and they were a strange creature called 'an Entelexeia', and so was she. Melori then realized things had changed about herself. She was bigger, not as big as Thanat, but bigger than most monsters she's seen. She knew that Axigles became Heavy Bottom monsters when they got older but... She looked different. She felt different. More powerful, more intelligent. Thanat reluctantly took her under their wing and lead her away from her home in Mt. Temza, finding others to assist in teaching her the ways of the Entelexeia.

Years passed as Melori learned more and more about her kind. She learned about aer, and how delicious it was. Other Entelexeia thought it was quite funny that she fell into such deep sleeps, and that she was so much more carefree due to her age. Her easygoing nature was something that defined Melori, and she wasn't just hungry for aer- she was hungry for knowledge, especially when she learned of the Krityans. The friends of the Entelexeia. She spent a lot of time around the Krityans, even learning one day that she could blend in with them, if she so chose to do... But she'd wait on that. She still had so much time, she wanted to make the most of being with the Entelexeia. They were her family now, and she cared deeply for each one that she met. She was so taken by her relationships with them, Melori didn't even realize the tensions growing between the humans and Entelexeia, and before she knew it...

There was a war approaching. She was still young, but... She felt different. She felt like she was brimming with an energy far greater than her body could manage. One of her Entelexeia friends, Gusios, realized how close she was to evolving into her stronger form. In the weakened and tired state she was in, she'd never survive the coming battle. He assisted her in hiding out in his home, Erealumen Crystallands. It was there that Melori went into a deep sleep, unaware of the carnage that was occurring to her kind.

When she woke up, she was different again. Bigger, stronger. She had wings, and she could fly. She found that Gusios was with her once more, though he was sadder than before. He told her about everything she had missed when she was asleep, about the war and how few their numbers were now. How cruel and evil that human kind was, how she should stay in hiding, and not interact with humans at all costs. Melori wanted to listen, she wanted to believe everything she was being told... But she couldn't. Through tears, she smiled and told Gusios that he had to be joking with her. There was no way she could've slept through an entire war! That'd be silly. Before Gusios could protest, Melori fled, flying towards the nearest mainland, Tolbyccia.

She took a brief reprieve from traveling at the Aer Krene near the northern coast, overhearing travelers telling of a welcoming town called Dahngrest. She was intrigued to learn more about the humans and what caused this joke of a war, wishing desperately that her friends were still around to guide her. Putting on a brave face, Melori changed her form to be that of a young Krityan woman, trailing behind the group and following them to Dahngrest. It was here that she would take refuge, picking up odd jobs and learning how to blend in to society. During this time, she met a kind and mysterious individual named Raven, who rescued her from some very forward vagrants one night at a bar. She immediately became charmed with the individual, and began to seek him out whenever she found him spending time in the city. In the off times that she wasn't fawning over Raven, Melori became friends with a Krityan named Rhayn, and the two of them hit it off immediately, spending time traveling together. They ended up back in Dahngrest after about a year or so before Rhayn chose to wander while Melori was contented with the charming life of the bustling town.

Her time spent in Dahngrest, save for whenever Raven stopped by, was relatively lax and carefree- except for one time when one of the many taverns she was in became under siege of Leviathan's Claw. She met Yeager, who told her she was a pretty little thing, and that it was be a shame that she had to die... Little did he know, things didn't go according to his plan. A member of the assassin guild seemed reluctant to take out a full room of innocents, instead opting to assist them on escaping. Melori never caught the man's name, but vowed that she would repay him for his kindness one day, no matter what.

Her vow didn't take too long to pay off as a few days after the event, Melori met a man name Sypher Nilnada, who had recently abandoned Leviathan's Claw due to disagreeing with their cruel treatment of civilians. She recognized him as her savior and she informed him of her vow, and decided to follow him around to help with menial tasks until she felt her debt was repaid. This would lead to the starting of the guild All-Seeing Eye, where Sypher and Melori were its two founding members. 

She was thrilled at the chance, ready to find her place in this strange new world all while trying to push down the grief she felt for her lost friends and families years ago. It was her enthusiasm that kept her hard at work, only occasionally distracted by the various wonders of the world she had never noticed with her Entelexeia companions. It didn't take Sypher very long to learn about Melori's double life, and rather than sending her away, he used this to his advantage, as an Entelexeia could prove to be a powerful ally later down the line.

Her time in the guild led to many other happy moments for Melori, such as inviting her old friend Rhayn to join, as well as finding the cutest monster mascot, Watcher. All-Seeing Eye also ended up stumbling upon Thanat as well, which Melori was relieved to see that they were still alive after all this time, and insisted that they joined the guild as well... Which, once again, they reluctantly accepted. Friends weren't the only thing that Melori made while living in Dahngrest, as she found that Raven began to visit the town more often.

Her relationship with Raven started out casually enough. Nights spent together in the taverns, drinking their unspoken sorrows away, and spending the time after getting to know each other at the nearby inn. Melori eventually became a regular 'fling' for Raven, even going as far as to reveal her Entelexeia form to him. When he still accepted her for who she was, she fell even further in love with the man, despite barely even knowing anything about him. 

  •   Raven
  • Aer
  • Hot Drinks
  • Human Food
  • Being Alone
  • Closed Spaces
  • Hunting Blades
  • Yeager

You are so funny! Hehehe. Such a funny man.


Would you be so kind?
Strawberry blond
cat serenade
mr sandman


D.o.B. July 11th
Relationship STatus Flirtationship
Sin Gluttony
Virtue Humility

HTML by Eggy


  •   Melori's eyes tend to have a gradient of purple within them, but her pupils are narrow, as a representation of her Entelexeia form.
  •   The tufts at the base of her antennae are near the back of her head, just behind her ears. 
  •   Melori's hair goes just below her shoulders, and her bangs are typically swept off to the left. Her hair is almost always put up into two horn-shaped buns. 
  •   Melori has freckles on her cheeks, shoulders, and upper thighs. She has a small mole on her right cheek just next to her eye. She typically has a sharp snaggletooth sticking out, even if her mouth is closed.

Krityan Form





Antennae 1


Antennae 2
















Entelexeia & Spirit Form

E. Body


E. underbody


E. outer wings


e. inner wings


e. mane


e. horns


s. body


s. markings


s. ears


s. mane


s. stars


HTML by Eggy


 such a funny man...



Melori was enchanted by Raven from the moment that they first met. She spends a lot of time along side him, meeting him both in Dahngrest and running into him outside of the city. She thinks he's handsome, funny, and loves spending time with him... Cherishing each moment as though it was the last.

 Very scary but.. kind of...


Schwann Oltorain 

Melori hasn't been around Schwann very much, but meeting him by chance during an undercover knight mission made her feel.. conflicted. She finds the man very attractive albeit unnerving, but can't find hostility in his gaze. Regardless, she admires from afar, not realizing the truth of the matter...

 I'm just like you! You're just like me!



Finding another bubbly Krityan was like a dream for Melori. She spends most guild work at Rhayn's side, giggling at any sort of funny puns or innuendos that come out of missions, or staying up and gushing about their respective partners and how warm and fuzzy they feel around them. Melori likes Rhayn.

 Eternally in your debt!!!


Sypher Nilnada

Melori didn't think she'd have any luck joining any sort of guild with all the people turning her down... But when Sypher invited her to ASE, she felt like she was walking on aer! Even though she's unaware of just how much he knows about her, she thinks Sypher is very cool and mysterious.

 Rgrgrgrgr click click click!!!



Being the only member of the guild that can speak monster, Melori was easily able to tell that Watcher wasn't hostile, like most monsters. Then again, they did nonchalantly followed them home... solidifying their place as Guild Mascot

 WAit- you're still here?



Being the first creature to show Melori kindness that she could remember, she missed Thanat dearly after the events of the Great War... and she was surprised to see that they were one of the survivors! She gave them a tearful and hug-filled reunion, insisting they join their guild. How could they say no?

 go away from me!!!



Melori does not know why, but she cannot stand Yeager! He's a freak, from the way he talks to the way he sneers at her. She avoids any and all contact with him. It took one instance of acting creepy during a mission that made her realize how much she disliked the man. She just doesn't know why. 

HTML by Eggy