


3 years, 8 months ago


Not all is as it seems...

Experiment Profile M109
Registered Name: Kyo Makota

Data Number: Mix #109

Species Name: Unknown

Animal DNA: Unknown/Monkey

Gender: Male

Age: 9 years

Appearance: M109 is short for his age and scrawny with little to no muscle visible. His hair is a dark red in color that puffs up slightly while his eyes change depending upon his mood or personality. He wears nothing but a filthy pair of jeans and deep scars are visible over much of his body though none have proven life-threatening. He often sits in a crouched position with his head hunched over his knees and his long, thin monkey tail curled over his back. The color of his tail is a darker shade than his hair, almost resembling a red-brown, and measures roughly half the height of his body.

Eye Color: Varies (Normally a Soft Blue)

Hair/Fur Color: Dark Red

Visible Animal Parts: Monkey Tail

Known Powers/Mutations: M109 has shown control over shadows and darkness when his eyes turn a blood red in color. This appears to be a separate personality that feeds of off angry and despair, no other eye color changes have shown this.

Animal Enhanced Skills: M109 has shown increased speed and flexibility under his 'normal personality' and increased strength and destructiveness under his 'darker personality.'

History: M109 came to us as an infant and was used as a test subject for the 'leftover' animal DNA. Few specific animal traits have surfaced but some species of monkey seems to be most dominant. He has proven to be a mute and further tests were done in an attempt to 'rectify' this problem but none have proven successful. After awakening his 'darker half' during a trial run M109 was dubbed a dangerous failure and slated for termination.

Temperament/Personality: M109 is generally sweet and gentle, in a childish way, but his lack of communication skills have limited his connection to the other experiments. His 'dark half' on the other hand is nothing but a wrecking machine with but one purpose: destroy everything. This other side has only been recorded once but the threat of it always hangs over him and us. M109 seems to have no memory of his other half though and returned to normal after being knocked out.

Additional Notes: M109 is a mute that communicates with tail-symbols and has shown two personalities.   

...when shadows hide the light.