


3 years, 8 months ago


Frozen wasteland I see...

Experiment Profile L221
Registered Name: Ryouta Sora

Data Number: Lupine #221

Species Name: Winged Eraser

Animal DNA: Hawk/Wolf

Gender: Male

Age: 12 years

Appearance: L221 is tall and lanky with long, shaggy black hair often hiding his deep blue-grey eyes. His body is racked with fading scars from former experiments but none impend muscle movement. His clothes typically consist of dirty blue jeans and torn t-shirts. His wings are a dirty white in color and almost too small for flight while in human form but they expanded to a considerable size once he transforms. His Eraser form is merely a shaggy and thicker version of his human form with dark grey fur and sharper eyes while his full wolf form (a recent modification to the Erasers) is long and slender but slightly larger than a normal wolf.

Eye Color: Blue-grey

Hair/Fur Color: Dark-grey to Black

Visible Animal Parts: White Wings

Known Powers/Mutations: L221 has shown considerable power at controlling ice and snow in many different forms expanding even to weather manipulation.

Animal Enhanced Skills: L221 has shown the increased hearing and sense of smell native to wolves as well as the increased eye-sight of raptors, though not as strong as the avian experiments. He has also shown increased strength, stamina, and speed.

History: L221 came to us at age 2 and became one of our early Eraser projects. He showed considerable skill as a spy to other labs and a runner to track down escapees but he was too unpredictable to leave in the field. At age 8 he was locked back up with the other experiments but after a certain 'ice incident' he was moved to a freeze-proof room and slated for termination.

Temperament/Personality: L221 is very difficult to predict, at times he behaves perfectly and other times he can't be made to do a simple test. He has shown no interest in the other experiments and simply sits in his cage quietly between tests or causes a ruckus by freezing half the building. Even when on the job, before his necessary isolation and pending termination, he showed no interest in others and would wander off on his own.

Additional Notes: Nothing as of now.   

...home sweet home to me.