
3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Derek Brushen








19 yrs


The fire in those eyes...

Personality: Derek is a born rebel with a bad habitat of lighting the mess hall on fire. He's been suspended from school several times and seems to have no interest in learning. His only real desire apparently is to see the outside world and maybe enslave a few humans. Whether this is true or not is debatable and not many students really understand why he acts up so much. Despite this 'hardened criminal' façade he uses around the other students he actually has a sweet side and is interested in learning about the outside world and what makes gijinkas different.

History: Derek grew up in the lower areas of the valley surrounded by rowdy siblings and scolding parents. He was the eldest of his family and expected to set the example but his parents disowned him after he entered the secondary school. He's spent his years making enemies of all the teachers, not the smartest plan, and lighting things on fire when he gets upset. Most of the other students avoid him because of this but he has managed to make a few friends in the academy.

Appearance: Derek is tall and muscular with emotionless dark blue eyes and shaggy ginger hair. He typically wears dark jeans and tennis shoes with a red-orange jacket and his ring can be found on the ring finger of his left hand if he's wearing it. When not wears it he has large orange wings with a bluish-green underside and a long orange tail tipped with a fluff of dark red fur in place of a flame. He also has a star shaped scar on his right cheek from picking a fight with a skitty when he was younger.

...the fiercest blaze ever known.