❤️Nomads of the Sky: RotSK



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Overall Value:


Nomads of the Sky: Line & Reign of the Sun King


  • Name (Full):  Kafil Wa Ndogo
  • Generation: 4th Generation of the Keys
  • Name Origin: Swahili – Protector of the Weak
  • Age:
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: Former Leader
  • Affiliation: Former Sunning Rock


  • Breed/Species: Red/Ticked Cheetah – King
  • Skill/Gift: Animal Tongues
  • DOB: Fall – October 26
  • Height/ Weight: N/A
  • Primary Objective: To find complete enlightenment with the great sisters and watch over all that he cares for.
  • Secondary Objective: To serve, lead and protect all that walk a path within the tribes. Especially those in Sunning Rocks. - His Son Atieno… Whom he would be nothing without.
  • Priorities/Motivation: So long as everyone he meets is happy and at peace, Kafil’s only motivation is to ensure that everyone in Sunning Rock is living in peace striving for the best in their lives. – Protecting his son, Atieno… making sure he lives life to the fullest.

Personal Items/Accessories:

  • Skull/Feather Necklace: The skull is from a blue crane to symbolize those of peace with True of heart to see things as they are without arrogance and pride. Along with the skull, the feathers represented one’s self and honor to not let negative emotions rule judgement. To be respected to be one with tribe mates, not above them. Kafil was given this necklace by his mother and often replaces feathers when they fall off or are not as bright and pretty. His mother seemed to be very close spiritually to the keepers.
  • Double Feathers in Nape: This was a combination piece. One feather as a Token of friendship was given to him by Ajali the day he had saved her from a jaguar. The second and similar feather was given to him by Ajali’s son, Ndoto as they were on one of their outings together. Kafil molded both together with some colored clay and now wears them behind his left ear.
  • Double Vines: After his half aunt passed away, Kafil was very distraught believing he had no one else. His cousin suggested using the vines Kamaria had in a similar hair fashion as he now used them to tie the long side mane strips that trail around his shoulders.
  • Purple African Daisy w/Feathers:  It was shortly after Mwezi’s death that Kafil begun to wear a similar African daisy in his right hair strip. He knew Mwezi had found peace within herself and has the flower as a token to remember her by.



  • Left Shoulder + Left Hind Paws: He had received those while in the tunnels, heading to the new lands. His back leg was pinched unable to get free and in the end was nearly killed by falling razor sharp rocks. His left shoulder becoming severely scarred.
  • High Right Shoulder/Spine/Face: He had received these in a high tension battle with the Hukumu Coalition leader, Wakali. A bone deep bite to his right shoulder and spine, smaller slashes along his right shoulder, small lacerations to the high left of his face as well as a couple of scores right above his left eye.
  • Right Foreleg: Kafil also bears claw marks down his right fore-paw in a defensive maneuver against the new coalition leader and former sunning rock Tribe cat Kifo.

Natural Appearance:

  • Pelt: Kafil is a descendant of those who are cream/ticked and king/normal/red cheetah coloring. So his color palette is very much unique, having larger and darker spots near his spine and gradually disappear as they go down his legs. Because he is now chief, some of his darker spots have molted together to create small stripes but not enough to distinguish him differently from others as he had begged the keepers.
  • Eyes: Kafil’s eyes are a dark emerald coloring. Though the outer rims hold a light twinge of yellow in them. He always seems to be staring with interest or with a thinking and calm gaze. He rarely gets angry and when he does, his eyes seem to grow darker in shade.
  • Build: his build is rather average although in certain circumstances, it is rather obvious that Kafil is lean and muscled and depending on his health, he can appear to be a bit frailer or well-toned.  For many reasons, he is glad he is not stronger, bigger or taller than the average cheetah as he doesn’t like to be singled out among his peers.
  • Voice:  When he loses his temper, he talks on his father’s side of a southern Appalachian accent, though is generically calm and collected with a soft rasping voice. He is well mannered and kind so rarely ever needs to sound rude or snippy about anything. His voice can often be rustic when he speaks, the rasp following certain words or just as am in general tone of his voice.
  • Scent: Kafil seems very earthy. The sunning rocks smell is dry and sandy, however Kafil himself has more of an almond nutty smell to him. Sometimes he has a light morning or evening dew to him.

  • Allergies: None
  • Addictions: None
  • Ability/Element/Immunities: Kafil is a high climber and loves to run. As most Sunning Rock cats do, Kafil has built an immunity to most snake venoms. However, he would probably be wise to stay away from snakes.
  • Birth Marks: None
  • Sleep Patterns: Kafil is a night owl but when he does sleep, for the most part is fairly restful. Unless he has a lot on his mind, then he would probably be a bit restless but still rise early before the sun to enjoy a morning walk.
  • Diet: Kafil eats very little. He is usually fine eating only once or twice a day. These meals only being small rodents like rabbits or small hoofed gazelle.
  • Reasons for Health:  Kafil has a habit of getting sick when overly stressed. However for the most part, Kafil has a fairly normal bill of health. Much healthier than the average cheetah.
  • Possible Mental Disturbance:  Kafil can be overly paranoid with small anxiety attacks when under stress.


Quick Facts: 

  • - Rarely gets angry in situations 
  • - Keeps any and all gifts given to him 
  • - Doesn't get to close to others but is willing to open up

  • - Long walks across the territory
  • - Being among family
  • - Talking to rodents and other small animals


  • - Losing control of his gift
  • - Becoming sickly due to stress and worry
  • - Difficult people

Fears and Phobias:

  • - Losing Faith
  • - Losing Family
  • - Becoming defenseless to help anyone


  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Spouse/Mate/Partner: Jeshi 
  • Children: Johari, Uchafu, Atieno, Unknown Cub
  • First Crush/Kiss: Kito (Deceased – Crooked Tree)
  • Lover Type: A romantic/pleasing lover. If Kafil finds his true mate, he will do anything to impress with small yet romantic antics all the time. He is rather sweet and loving – rarely leaves an opportunity for a sweet gesture to his lover. He will do anything to ensure their happiness as well. Any moment his lover is not happy, makes him unhappy and he will always do his best to make things right.
  • Preferences: He doesn’t expect anything more than true beauty from within and out from his future lover,A beautiful smile and an amazing personality. Kafil looks for someone who is genuine in their love and are not afraid to show it around him. He usually finds a fondness in those who remind him of his family of some kind or are truly unique in their own way.



  • Jengo (Male - Messenger) 
  • Marjani (Female - Hunter)
  • Alama (Male - Sentry)


  • Yamile (Sentry) 
  • Johari (Hunter)
  • Atieno (Nomad)

Special Education: Rank Training (Hunter, Messenger, Sentry)

Study Habits: N/A - Normal


Quiet:  Since his mother’s passing, Kafil has been a bit quieter than usual, especially when talking to a messenger because in the most cases, they remind him of his mother. He is quietly drawn to them for some lost comfort and remembrance. He tries to be more social, but his voice is rarely heard among the Tribe unless he is speaking to them all or giving out orders.

Original: Kafil can be very out of the box and doesn’t always feel that traditional methods are best on spontaneous whims; he plays and goes on small adventures: teaching and learning in his own way.

Sensitive: Kafil doesn't like hurting another's feelings if he can help it and doesn't tolerate conflict very well; usually becoming very sickly when under a lot of stress.

Observant: Kafil likes to observe and learn about his tribe members. He takes mental notes about even the smallest things, helping him remember landmarks and specific cheetahs he meets or comes across.

Reliable: Kafil can always be counted on to be reliable, sticking to things until they are done and known to always be the one to do the right things; being prepared mentally and physically to do what he can in tight situations.

Protective: Kafil is very protective of those he cares about, always wanting to be sure they are safe and happy. Just as he was named, he takes this side of him very seriously and in some cases, aggressively but usually doesn't try to get too attached  in fear of losing them as he lost his mother. 


History of the Red Cheetah Lineage

Before Birth: (From 4th Gen Kafil's Beginning)

Kafil's parents met within Sunning Rock Tribe. His mother Afua was an orphan given up desperately by two naive cheetah. One from crooked Tree and one from Crowded Water. At the time, cross litters were forbidden and the two cheetah in desperate attempt to save her life, left her at a Sunning Rock border hoping to have a Sunning Rock cheetah adopt her since she would never be fully Crowded Water or Crooked Tree. Kafil's father, Ghubari, was born and raised along side his two siblings. They all shared similar quirks but Ghubari was the most self loathing. It was only by some twinge of light that Ghubari and Afua found greatness in each other despite their flaws and fell in love. They each had a passion and were dutiful to their Tribe in their own way. They rose through the ranks to reach full Messenger and Hunter ranks. They decided to have a family and thus Kafil and Erevu were born some summers later. 


Kafil was born first. Much larger than his brother. Afua was so happy she had named him, believing he would be blessed by the Keepers with good fortune for being born so strong and healthy. When Erevu was born, Ghubari could see he was smaller but still fairly strong considering his brother was so much larger. He named this son Erevu, and for a time this family was in peaceful bliss.

During this time, Afua was confronted during an outing, Cheetah had been saying her cubs were not Sunning Rock Cubs. She was told they were distant half tribe bastards so she confronted the Chief. It was then she was told about her true parents and that yes, she was a half tribe bastard herself. Afua didn't care as she knew she had proved time and time again her loyalties to the Sunning Rock Tribe. She loved her sons no matter what and knew in time they too would show their worth. Especially when they were old enough to know and prove it themselves when they were ready. 


Kafil and Erevu grew quickly. Stumbling around the nursery and beginning to speak in a dabbled tongue as they learned more coordination. Afua became a queen, sticking close to the nursery and sometimes hardly able to leave as she taught her cubs to speak, walk more steadily and sing them lullabies and told them many stories.  Both boys grew and often Ghubari would visit with only praise from his heart. 

Ghubari often believed Afua was favoring one son over the other but Kafil was the only cub genuinely interested in a sprirtual teaching. Ghubari tried his best to teach Erevu but the cub got easily sidetracked. Ghubari's own siblings thought it strange Erevu was so disconnected with the Keepers and yet showed much enthusiasm to be a Hunter like Ghubari. 

Kafil and his brother soon became tyros. Kafil wanting to be a messenger while his brother pursued a passion as a Hunter. Ghubari was displeased with Kafil's choice but glad at least one of his sons would be a Hunter since by unfortunate events, Ghubari's leg was broken and heald improperly due to stubbornness. He was rendered a cripple and forced to retire as an Elder because he could not bring home large prey with the rest of the Hunters and small game was usually very hard and not worth the strain. 

Kafil started with two separate mentors. A Messenger and a Hunter who taught him both trades since Sunning Rock was very low on numbers due to a sickness that whiped out more than half the tribe. During this time there was an increase in dangerous animals in Tyro's Land and so the chief refused to send any Tyro to the Tyro's Land to protect them from possible immediate death. Kafil and his brother were training constantly and despite their  readiness, were denied their Quest until they were already 1 Cycle and 2 Moons. 

Kafil's time in Tyro's Land was short lived; living only a few months were other Tyros would live in Tyro's Land for 6 months. In that time, Erevu had introduced him to a female. A beautiful Crooked Tree Tyro by the name of Kito. She was only 10 Moons. They shared a lovely evening, talking and enjoying each other's company. Being as young as they were, it was instant love and in a heat, they shared a beautiful night. Kafil felt guilty about being with her because he was Sunning Rock and she was of Crooked Tree but yet he knew he wanted to protect her with all his heart. Erevu had appeared the next morning, urgently rushing Kafil off scene as more Crooked Tree cats came closing in looking for Kito. Kafil had barely anytime to say goodbye, only asking Kito to meet him at the border of their Tribe territories once she finished her Quest. 

Young Adult:

Kafil was given his official title of Messenger upon returning from Tyro's Land. His brother was excited and after a few solo successful hunts as well as group hunts; Erevu wanted to try a Solo Hunt at night while a herd had stopped near the camp. Kafil warned it was a stupid idea and unwaise but his brother was too proud to listen. He took a dangerous risk as it was Ghubari and Afua's only request that they stay close and watch out for each other. This was the first and only time Kafil ever got into a fight with his brother. They both said words they weren't roud of and in the end, Erevu ran away into the night. 

Kafil was torn between chasing after and going back to camp to find help. He heard a crying chirp and shriek in the night sky. Kafil heard his brother call for help and raced into the night. He found his brother running from a large lion. It roared as it tried to swipe large paws at Erevu until it eventually caught the younger Hunter. The lion held his brother in a huge mouth head hold. Erevu was screaming, eventually falling limp. Kafil was scared and watching his brother beg for forgiveness. Kafil never had a chance to respond before the lion had snapped his neck and threw his body to the ground. Kafil lay in hiding, crying as he continued to watch the lion play with his lifeless body and eventually just walk off without another care. His brother's death was simply for sport of the lion's nightly raid. 

Kafil ran home when the coast was clear to his parents. The night was long and nerve wracking as they had kept a watchful eye out for the Lion while venturing to where Erevu's body was left lifeless and mangled. Afua was devastated and Ghubari was instantly angry. He along with a squad of Sentry went out to track the lion. If not to kill it, at the very least to run it out of the territory. Kafil was blamed for not keeping an eye on Erevu. Ghubari had been so angry that every chance he had, he would smack and abuse Kafil.

Kafil could not hate his father, not even dislike him as he blamed himself as well for his brother's death. It wasn't long before Afua realized the torture her remaining son was enduring. She confronted Ghubari but it seems her mate was blinded by rage. Afua challenged Ghubari but the larger tom smacked Afua and was yelling at her, blaming her as well for favoring Kafil over Erevu who was obviously smaller and weaker than Kafil. 

Kafil in fear for his mother's safety as well as the safety of others, tried to fend off any attacks by his father. However, this defense soon became a battle and right in the middle of Camp, no less. Ghubari's siblings tried to stop him but Ghubari was one of the strongest in the Tribe that not even they could calm him. Sharing a shorter fuse than most, Kafil jumped at Ghubari in his mother's defense, latching onto his jugular. Ghubari thrashed and tried all he could to throw off Kafil but the young tom helf for a long time until unknowingly, his father's life had given away. Every other chance to release his father only resulted in his father attempting to hurt him. Kafil's only intention was to make him unconscious but it was announced that Ghubari was killed by suffocation. 

Messenger to Hunter:

Kafil was about 1 Cycle and 9 Moons, still very young and yet no one could believe what Kafil had done. In defense or not. The chief had been present and was aware of Ghubari's abusive behavior after Erevu's death. His father was well known and many were angry of what Kafil had done and refused to do any tasks until justice had been properly served. The chief at the time, Jahiem, Kafil idolized with great respect and begged forgiveness and repent in the eyes of the Keepers and Great Sister's of the Tribes. Jahiem understood the situation and after long talks, Kafil was pardoned for the murder as it was in complete defense. As young as Kafil was; he was not expected to really understand death and what it was to kill for pleasure rather than kill in defense or safety. It was also a bad time to be exiling anyone especially when they were already so few in numbers. A few tribe members left due to the unjustice of their friend and Kafil was forced to become a Hunter because no one else would Hunt for the Tribe. 

A few months later, a strange sickness overcame his mother and a few others. He did his best to provide but Afua had found peace and in her last moments, told Kafil that there was a purpose in everything and that Kafil was not at fault. Kafil was hesitant to believe his mother but as she passed away, he had no choice but to believe her words were true. All his mother's teaching, stories and beliefs flowed into his mind. He continued his work as a Hunter; Jahiem had disappeared and the Token, Neema, had taken over the Chief position. 

At 2 Cycles 3 Months; Kafil had been approached one calm afternoon by Neema. Seeing as she was beginning her Journey as chief, she needed someone to be her Token. Kafil, with all his extra training, was highly recommended by those who worked with him. Kafil didn't believe he was worthy, especially considering his negative and recent history with the Tribe. He then remembered his mother's words of everything having a reason; a purpose. Kafil had accepted the offer with great uncertainty; not wanting to turn down his chief who had provided him a great opportunity.

Hunter to Token: 

Kafil was only given congrats by his aunt and uncle. Despite their nephew killing their brother, they understood everything and were very forgiving. Kafil's uncle Fupi had been sickly for the past couple of prior weeks and soon many Trive had fallen ill. Unexpectedly, Kafil's aunt Habiba was the first to pass. Fupi never left her side and as sickly as he was, died shortly after. Kafil himself caught the sickness but never had to reside to the Medicine as his symptoms were not as bad. He often wondered if he had the chance, could he have saved his family.

During this time, he was wandering around the territory a lot, walking the borders and meeting an older cheetess who he had come to find out was his half aunt. Mute as she was, he was very respectful of her ways. She had been delusional from sickness and through her babbles he found truth. Many had passed; Kafil eventually got better but during all this time, Neema had disappeared without a trace or a word. Without Neema to lead them, Sunning Rock Tribe cats looked to Kafil for guidance. 

Token to Chief:

2 Cycles and 4 Moons and it seemed Kafil was all alone. Trapped between a wall and a hard rock with no other choice. Kafil became the new chief. He had appointed Badiri to become his Token. He was a respected Sentry and Kafil knew he could count on Badiri to help him. He was certain he would need help because he often worried he would never meet up to the expectations of Neema or any other chief in Sunning Rocks prior.

In the four months that followed, Kafil became a little more confident, receiving his first tyro Yamile after finding her alone on the plains. Together along with the whole of the three tribes, suffered many horrifying events. From battles to natural disasters. Prey had become scarce and water levels had become to rise. What struck Kafil hard was the terrifying scene of watching his Tribe land burn to the ground in a brush fire. He lead his tribe to safety, with only a few perishing in the flames. Still, he blamed himself for the lives lost. Kafil fell into a depression. Sulking, silent and refused to eat despite the gentle coaxing of his Tyro. Among sadness and worry some good did come about all this disaster. Uchafu, a Crooked Tree tyro connects clues to discover Kafil is her father. The two reconnect over the next month or so, finding out more of what happened to his first love, Kito.

It was finally decided while Crooked Tree, Sunning Rock and Crowded Water were forced to alliance in such a small territory that a moon meeting be held to decide what to do next. Crooked Tree and Sunning Rocks discover that Crowded Water had been hiding the fact that their Chief Ari had been missing for moons and the Token, Strelka refused to believe or take up the Chief position until Ari returned. During the meeting, Ari did return but he was not without worry, instantly demanding and begging that the Tribes follow him to new lands. Lands that were plentiful and safer than what they have endured the last 5 moons. The Crooked Tree, Vumbi, was insatntly displeased and refused to believe  that anything a Crowded Water cat had to say was simply an outright lie. Three days later, the three Chiefs had a small meeting of their own and after a long debate, they all decide it would be best to try the tunnels to the new lands Ari spoke of. 

Journey to New Lands:

The tunnels were dangerous. Kafil started the journey at about 2 Cycles and 10 Moons. It was a fortnight journey where close proximity made many uneasy. The last leg of their tunnel journey was met with a double lion attack and a tunnel crashing. Kafil was nearly killed, being pinned between two large boulders, causing large lacerations on either side of his shoulders. Thanks to his Token and a fellow Sentry friend, Kafil had been saved. Since his depression, he hadn't realized that his Token had been gone but now that he was back he was very grateful. They arrived in the new lands with higher spirits but also with higher worry since they were already welcomed with the dangers of Lions. 

The tribes stayed close in the unknown territory, only to be welcomed by new cheetah. The ones who already owned the land. They offered a small plot of land but after a moon, the Tribes decided that the land was vast enough and if they had to fight for the land they deserved, they would fight for it. There was a short battle that ended in a stalemate. Kafil made a small discovery during this break about his son, Johari after his daughter Uchafu makes the discovery herself. 

Soon a second battle erupts, this one bloodier than the last. A coalition leader by the name of Kifo, a former Sunning Rocks cat that was exiled before Kafil's time, had ended Ari's life as the Crowded Water Chief saved a Crooked Tree Tyro. The battle eventually ended with Tribes winning only by numbers alone. The territories expanded forcing back the three Coalitions of the lands with the power of three much larger Tribes. Bringing with them; strange gifts and customs.

Dangers of the New Land:

When Kafil had finally turned 3 Cycles and 1 Moon, a new danger had been discovered on the new lands. It appeared humans were the top predators despite not looking so fierce. They made up for it with loud fire shooting sticks that either hurt quite painfully or ended an animal's life fairly quickly. Humans were hunting and cheetah were in danger of many traps, guns and cages.

Kafil  begged caution to his tribe-mates as well as initiated investigations on these new found traps set up by the humans. At 3 Cycles and 2 Moons, a meeting had taken place to discuss the dangers as well as recent disappearing cheetah without warning.  The coalition leaders had helped themselves to the meeting discussion, wanting help from the Tribes as many of their own were disappearing. Only difference was, the coalitions knew it was the humans taking their kind and they knew where to look to find them.

Since Ari's death, Strelka became the new chief of Crowded Water and while defending the Tribe from another lion attack, Chief Vumbi of Crooked Tree had perished, leaving his Token Fumo to be Chief. Each with a new Token of their own, they were all hesitant and angry to make any deals but because Tribe cats were going missing, they finally agreed. 

A few days later, a squad from each Tribe made its way out to meet the coalitions to a fenced territory where the cheetah were being held. There was a storm that provided great cover as they did their best to free their lost, even in the face of danger as lightning struck a fallen treeKafil had climbed and poachers appeared attempting to catch escaping cheetah.. Kafil's second cheat with death now leaves him feeling easily numb and jittery if sitting in thought for too long. Thanks to a brave few, Kafil's life is spared yet again. 

Moment of Peace: 

The Rescue operation had been a success and things had gone back to normal or as normal as can be. Kafil is met with many new faces. It was shortly after the first sight of Humans, his Token Badiri had stepped down and a new Token, Pumzi, had taken charge. However, just when all seemed content, Pumzi had disappeared a couple moons later as well. For a moment, Kafil was lost because Badiri could not commit to the Token position once more but he realized a young spirit was perfect and from that point, he chose young Ndoto to become his Token. 3 Cycles and 4 Moons, everything is perfectly content as can be with normal patrols, hunts and no signs of immediate danger as the seasons changed. Kafil said his goodbye's to his daughter Uchafu who left the tribes to be a loner, leaving behind a grandaughter to be raised in the Tribes and many more grandchildren were born as his Son's beloved had given him five daughters and one son of his own in the late winter months of the year. 

** (Found Also in Atieno's Profile) New Blessings: 

The Sunning Rocks tribe became a tribe of plenty. Prey was in abundance as the the seasons changed. Cubs were born and Tyros became Adults and so the traditions continued.At 5 Cycles and 4 Moons, Kafil watched his Tribe with great pride as well with a more open mind as new things were coming his way. For one especially, Mwanajeshi, who had come from the Crooked Tree Tribe to spend her days within the Sunning Rocks Tribe. Kafil had made many friends, welcoming them all to his tribe with open paws as he hoped they would open their minds and their hearts to the ways of the Tribes and the Great Keeper's which guide them through all. Kafil found himself on many walks over the next cycle; many accompanied by friends and one most familiar became Mwanajeshi. Time had past and Kafil found himself more involved emotionally in certain things and eventually had come to find he had fallen deeply in love with the former Crooked Tree feline. A feeling like none he had shared since his last love Kito. He learned more about his true thoughts as well as his true feelings for things he was so unsure of. An impulse later, Kafil admitted his feelings to Mwanajeshi, and it was with great pleasure that she had the same feelings in turn. 

Kafil felt a sense of rejuvenated uplifting in his faith as it seemed everything was at peace in his Tribe. He could only hope that the other Tribes were having just as much happiness  as his was. Kafil found himself spending more time with Mwanajeshi, showering her in love every chance he had, while still continuing his duties as Chief of the Sunning Rock Tribe. A few moons later it was found out that Mwanajeshi was with cubs and suddenly, Kafil's heart was was over the moon with joy when they were finally born.

Capture and Release:

Months later, Kafil was walking along his usual border walk, but this time with one of his sons, Atieno whom loved to walk with him. Still fairly young, Kafil was ever so watchful of his son. However, when traveling along the northern most border between Sunning Rock and Crooked Tree - the border that was marked by a human road, Kafil and his son were ambushed by Humans. All around Kafil tried to protect his son but was shot multiple times from tranquilizers. The amount it took to take him was enough to put a lion out.

When Kafil had awaken, he found himself in a box. Disoriented, Kafil could hear his son wailing in fright. Kafil didn't know where he and his son were headed, but he screeched and attacked the containment until exhausted. Again Kafil was tranquilized and when he awoke once more, he was in a different container...an opening, the light! Kafil staggered out, realizing the land before him, he ran....Stopping when he heard his son and realized the huamns sill had him. Kafil lingered, waiting, begging and praying to the humans who could not understand him. Eventually after what seemed like forever to Kafil, Atieno was set free, bouncing quickly over to Kafil in a hurried tearful reunion. Kafil picked up his son and dashed away. Where they were now... he didn't know...All he knew...its was far...very Far from the Tribes.