Xia Ikeda



7 years, 6 months ago


Xia Ikeda











Xia does not like to have her time wasted. Impatient and feisty, it’s a little difficult to get to know her. There really is no trick around it, as Xia takes most people for face value and decides whether or not you’re of any interest. Sure, she’s a little shallow and a bit too blunt for her own good, but Xia has good intentions. Most of the time.

Not a lot of people get onto Xia’s good side, and there’s usually a nasty surprise in store for those who get on her really bad side. Xia is not afraid to say what’s on her mind, but she’s also not afraid to defend herself and the ones she cares about to the grave. Xia may be ignorant but she is not stupid, being the smartest intellecutally out of the crew, she can solve any kind of mathematical equation in a heart beat and is quick to pick up new skills. If you can manage to befriend her, she’ll probably be one of your strongest allies. Mess with her, and she’ll be your worst enemy.









  • being independent
  • literature
  • puzzles
  • competition


  • attention
  • mess & disorganization in general
  • loud music

When Xia’s not behind the wheel she’s usually on her phone, not paying attention to the world around her. She likes her privacy and will usually keep to herself unless provoked. Since her arrival to Earth she has found herself curiously indulging in human literature in her spare time, fascinated by their strange traditions and culture.


Early Childhood

Not many people are aware that Xia hails from the same Ikeda family that founded the leading company in interspace technology. Her mothers, Sango Ikeda and Kishi Ikeda, are both responsible for the universally known Mirai Technology Inc., and are extremely preoccupied with their business matters, hence why they dump all of their children into the hands of Kishi’s grandparents. Raised on a small planet entirely owned by her family that features only a farm and an extensive amount of barren land and livestock, Xia Ikeda was homeschooled by her grandparents and fellow siblings for quite a large portion of her life. Clocking in as the youngest out of the 11 siblings, Xia has always felt an intense pressure from everyone to be the best out of her entire family. Upon completing all of her chores around the farm and being schooled, Xia dedicated great portions of her time towards studying and focusing on surpassing all of her siblings. Being the youngest, Xia has always had the short end of the stick, and having to deal with being teased and belittled “endearingly” has only ever added fuel to the fire of Xia’s determination to succeed.


Around the age of 10, Xia was eager to pursue studies intergalactically and to compete with other students all around the universe. Graduating at the impressive age of 15, Xia would go on to achieve higher degrees in mathematics, law and hospitality, receiving a variety of scholarships and job offers from all ends of the universe. Finally confident in her abilities and ready to move beyond her studies, she decided to aim for the stars at a job opening at the intergalactically recognised organised communications and services centre, OUTA. Hopes high and without an ounce of doubt, she saw an opening amongst high marks and applied without hesitation. After a series of interviews, exams and courses going on over a period of months in preparation for the final exam, Xia was guaranteed to pass. She sat for the test, finished an hour early, and awaited her positive results. The result she received was much to her dismay. Rejected. Xia was shocked. It could not have been possible, she was CONFIDENT in her abilities that she would pass. If you had asked anyone else they would have told you the same. But the letter she received said otherwise. Startled and upset, she marched down to the giganteus office of the massive foundation and demanded justice over her results. She had been cheated for her results, there was not a doubt in her mind. The higher ups refused to accept any accusation of foul play, disregarding the fact that she had spent her entire life studying, working, and focusing to get to this point in her life. If it weren’t for the fact that she had spent the past several months training in their facility and for her impressive academic history, they would’ve surely closed the doors on Xia. Instead, they offered her an alternative career, down at the headquarters on Earth, as a captain for a field that needed directing. Filled with anguish but much too embarrassed to return to her family, she accepted the offering, devoid of emotion.


She had not forgotten her traumatic experience at the OUTA intergalactic centre, but her new role as captain had helped her find her confidence again and served as a distraction from her great disappointment. Slowly but surely, Xia was starting to feel normal in her life again as she piloted around her ship and committed to her routine jobs as captain; going planet to planet to communicate with communities and exchanging goods as assigned by her superiors. Unfortunately, this would not last as it was to be that her crew be disbanded and she stripped of her captain's duties. She was once again left powerless. Had it not been for the rise in pay and what was technically referred to as a “promotion from field H2”, Xia would not have tolerated being shuffled along into field H3 as no longer captain. Currently, she begrudgingly follows along as a deputy under T Rinette’s direction.


  • She is left handed
  • Despite inheriting from an amphibias-like race, Xia is not very fond of swimming
  • Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit.
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  • Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


T Rinette [ relationship ]

Co-workers (captain). Whilst T has nothing against her, Xia passionately hates T. The two are seen arguing frequently

Skylar Kinev [ relationship ]

Co-workers. Xia dislikes Skylar with a burning passion. Skylar loves to irritate Xia, flirting with her (which annoys her the most) and playing silly pranks on her. Xia always retaliates with some kind of mean comment or threat to him, which amuses him immensely. The two are often seen fighting verbally, Xia usually the one throwing the insults.

Prithika [ relationship ]

Prith is her boss and also her very unlikeable ex. god knows what went down between the two and how it happened but Xia avoids her like the plague and Prith cant seem to get enough of her.

Aron Blayse [ relationship ]

Co-workers and close friends. Aron is part of the few people Xia can tolerate. The two are often seen conversing together.