Takeshi Nakajima



3 years, 8 months ago



super high-school level general

Takeshi Nakajima
Ultimate General
18 years
Homosexual (closeted)
156 lbs
Secondary Character
April 4th

 "That's GENERAL Nakajima to you, soldier-!!"

  If you've heard of him, you should know that your country's safety is in good hands.

  Everyone involved in the military should know of the boy general who rose the ranks of his academy abnormally quickly after entry. His conviction and passion only make him that much better of a leader... although he may have a bit of a short fuse, those who are familiar with him know that's only a small price to pay for his dedication. The general's quick wits and commanding skills aid him to excel in almost any military simulation, as he can come up with a solid attack strategy in a matter of moments. Takeshi Nakajima has worked hard for his title of Ultimate General... and all can agree that he's certainly earned it.



  Takeshi possesses an incredibly loud presence, one that's immediately noticeable when anyone crosses his path. The young army general holds an unwavering love for order, and has an intense personality that some might find utterly intimidating. He always speaks with a loud voice, and holds conviction with every word he speaks. He also has quite a short temper, and frequently yells in order to get his point across. Takeshi puts passion into everything he does... sometimes a little too much passion, but passion nonetheless.

  It's not uncommon for people to view Takeshi as heartless and cruel at first glance, but the truth is the exact opposite. His tough outer shell is simply a side effect of being the Ultimate General; after all, the army isn't a place for weakness. Although he appears harsh toward the people around him, he keeps everyone's best interests in mind at all times, and will never leave a fellow soldier behind. Once you get past the steel plating, you'll find that the Ultimate General can actually have quite the soft heart if the moment is right for it.


  Takeshi grew up in a household that greatly valued law and order above all else. His father was ex-military and incredibly patriotic to his country. Takeshi had always looked up this father as a strong role model, and would always ask to hear war stories from him. At a very young age, he quickly decided that he wanted to grow up as a solider himself. Whenever he had free time, little Takeshi would be up in his room playing with toy army men and acting out fake wars. He had it set in his mind... he was going to follow in his father's footsteps and become a proud servant to Japan.

  As he grew up, Takeshi placed a good deal of focus on his school studies, and would always volunteer for positions of leadership in class activities. His morals only strengthened as he matured, and his parents only became more and more proud of him and his achievements. Takeshi would often try to inspire his own obedience and morals into his younger sister... his complete opposite... but that never really did work in his favor.

  Once Takeshi turned fifteen, his parents offered to enroll him in a military academy in order to get him closer to following his dream. He immediately and enthusiastically agreed to the idea... although he would miss his parents and his little sister, he knew that the army was his calling. After entering the academy, Takeshi quickly rose through the student ranks, and became top of his class and a favorite among the military teachers. 

  When he turned seventeen, Takeshi was given the offer to participate in a military boot camp led by the school. The camp took place every year, and was reserved for the most exceptional of students who had plans to go into the army after education. The only downside was that he would end up behind one year in school, since the camp didn't count toward graduation and was merely for building experience. Of course, Takeshi practically jumped at the offer.

  The young general's excellence in his field was only proven further during this camp, and word had soon spread across nearly all of Japan's military heads about this boy soldier with off-the-charts potential.

  And Takeshi would soon be met with a representative of Hope's Peak Academy, who would give him yet another offer he couldn't refuse.


  • Takeshi is the oldest member of this killing game.
  • No one seems to know where the scar on his eye came from... and frankly, he doesn't seem to like talking about it to begin with.
  • Takeshi usually refers to the people around him by military ranks instead of by name. Everyone will start with the title of soldier, and may be 'promoted' to a higher rank (lieutenant, private, etc) as Takeshi's relationship with them improves. The highest rank one can attain from him is lieutenant general.
  • As an extension of the previous note, Takeshi himself prefers to be called 'General Nakajima' instead of by name alone, and will correct those who fail to follow this preference unless they have a close relationship with him.
  • He has an extreme distaste for soda or other sugary drinks.



JINL  [ is very close with ]

  Takeshi appears to be very close with the street artist... and, unlike every other student in the killing game, wasn't shocked to learn her identity. Jinl is also the only person Takeshi doesn't refer to with military terms upon first meeting. The two have a good deal of differing views, but they seem to have a relationship akin to that of close siblings...


Keiichi Matsumoto  [ future love interest ]

  When Takeshi first meets the escape artist, he's not sure how to feel. Keiichi's unprofessional attitude initially irks the general, but he doesn't hate Keiichi. In fact, Takeshi finds himself subconsciously gravitating toward the escape artist at times. Perhaps there's something to Takeshi's view on the other that he simply hasn't picked up on yet.

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