Gemma Okolo



3 years, 7 months ago


Gemma Alessandro/Okolo

Gemma (By Everyone)
Oppai Nurse (By students)
My flower (by Derek)
Gemmy (by David)


Age & birthday
14 August
16 (Past)
in her mid 40s


• Barron Okolo (Father)
• Grace Okolo 

(Adoptive Mother)
Anjea Okolo 
(Biological Mother)
• Dylan Okolo (Brother)
• Derek Adam Alessandro

• Kevin Alessandro (Son)
• Lucas Alessandro (Son)
• Tyler Alessandro (Son)
• Christopher Alessandro (Son)
• Ryan Alessandro (Son)
• Zoey Alessandro (Daughter)
• Millie Alessandro (Daughter)
• Gareth Alessandro (Son)






Gemma Okolo is the daughter of Barron and Grace Okolo, Sister of  Dylan  Okolo, Wife of Derek Alessandro and mother of Kevin, Lucas, Tyler,   Christopher, Ryan, Zoey and Gareth. She is also part the shaman of  fertility ritual. and work as the school nurse in Malcolm Highschool And  College.
Gemma is a tanned skin woman who has long and wavy black  hair, brown  eyes, full lips, and She is well known for her curvaceous  figure; of  which her most distinctive trait is her very large  breasts.As a teenager  she has short wavy hair Her most noticeable  physical trait is her  slender yet curvaceous figure for a teenager,  especially in terms of her  large breasts.
Gemma was a kind, sweet, gentle and loving young woman.
she's  also shown to be very caring towards the members of the group as she    sees it as her responsibility as the nurse and acts as even more of a   mother figure to the Victor Boys (Sons of David)

Gemma likes  Asian flower print clothing and loves to shopping. While she  does eat  some normal food, Gemma cooks and eats many asian meals. Her  favorite  food is Malaysian Nasi Lemak, Nasi Ambang and Nasi Pataya.

Gemma  has demonstrated that she is perceptive when it comes to people's mental  and emotional state, especially in regards to Derek, as she is able to  tell what kind of driving force is pushing someone. She additionally has  a crush on Derek and later falls in love with him. She has exhibited  traits that appear to have some connection with Derek such as the  ability to detect Derek by her shaman life force sensing.


Very Charismatic

Very Kind Hearted


She can hunt.
she's brave and strong


Loves dad jokes and puns


  • Hunting & Exercise
  • Cooking & Gardening
  • Studying biology and science
    but also loves making survival
    weapons from her faamily village tribes


  • Too much modern technology
  • People use her because of her large breasts
  • kids hating on her


• Immortality: Gemma was born immortal and making her unable to grow old and heal herself from any physical damage

• Life Force Awareness: Gemma has a good amount of skill in detecting spiritual energy. She can  sense a corrupted souls and dying souls at a significant distance. 

• Durability:  Gemma is strong enough to survive separate assaults by Oliver Armaross,  which involved physical attacks and the use of Demon whip and a demon  claws.

• Enhanced Endurance: Gemma has been shown to have great physical stamina.. even when she is pregnant
she shows that amount of physical endurance as she is able to survive during her most painful childbirth (Kevin's birth)

• Lie Detection: allowing  her to see if a person is telling the truth. She holds the  person's  hand and envelops it in pale lilac Aura. She then asks the  person a  question, and if their answer is the truth, the Aura turns gold. if the  person lies the aura turns dark purple

• Rainbow Serpent Healing Barrier: Gemma's "healing"  technique. It surrounds something to return it to its former, complete  state. It rejects, reverses, and reconstructs phenomena that have  occurred, even phenomena that Gemma hasn't witnessed.

• Sun Portal: Gemma's offensive attack magic that fire a blast by the goddess of the sun Bila


• Medical kits: Gemma always carry a medical supply in case if there's any injuries in every situation

• Shaman Scrolls: Gemma use them to summon items, making transportation easier and providing more options when on a emergency situation.




Born as the oldest sibling to the Okolo family. Gemma grew up with all  the powers, splendor, and privileges of royalty in her tribes.
the  fact that she was a Shaman prodigy gained her great attention and  acclaim, which quickly made her mother's(Grace Okolo) favorite child.
After the death of her mother. she stopped training and always skipped her training with her father.

oliver's betrayal

After the Iron first Gemma see's Oliver in Dylan patient room trying to kill him and she quickly barges in.
she  was heartbroken by what Oliver trying to do. Gemma, asked Oliver to  stop, Gemma is then hugged by Oliver, who starts thanking her loudly.  The hug soon  turns into painful suffocating, and Gemma collapses from  shortness of  breath. As she lays on the ground, she witnesses Oliver  beating Dylan and realizes he isn't the man she thought he was. After recollecting herself, Gemma slaps Oliver for using his demon power on  Dylan, but is quickly punched and told that she will not intervene with  his passion for violence as he is a demon.

Gemma then lets out a  loud cry for help, and uses her Sun Portal as a distress signal. When  Oliver notices her not listening him, he starts repeatedly kicking her,  but all she can think of is how much she admired him. Suddenly, Derek bursts in and punches Oliver onto the ground, saving Gemma from harm.

Saga 1

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Birth of kevin

In the harrowing moments of Gemma's labor, a chilling revelation amplifies the already tense atmosphere. Gemma's sinister ex-husband, Keith, learns the truth about Kevin's paternity, sending him into a downward spiral of jealousy and madness. With Gemma in the throes of labor, Keith's insanity manifests as he menacingly pursues her through their own home.

The once serene house transforms into a nightmarish maze as Gemma, in the vulnerable state of labor, desperately attempts to evade Keith's clutches. Her water breaks, adding urgency to the dire situation as she navigates the labyrinth of her own home, pursued by the maniacal Keith.

In a heart-stopping twist, Derek arrives just in time to witness the horror. Recognizing the imminent danger, he confronts Keith in a brutal showdown. Fueled by a father's protective instinct, Derek delivers a chilling yet necessary justice, piercing his hand through Keith's chest and crushing his heart to save Gemma.

With the threat extinguished, Derek shifts his focus to Gemma, now in the most critical moments of childbirth. In their own bedroom, Derek becomes Gemma's anchor, providing the support she needs for the difficult delivery of Kevin. Their love prevails in the face of darkness as Derek tenderly kisses Gemma, offering reassurance and strength during the pivotal moments of bringing their son into the world.

Amidst the chaos and brutality, a resilient family emerges, solidified by Derek's protective actions and the shared triumph of childbirth. The birthing room, once tainted by fear, transforms into a sanctuary where love, courage, and the unwavering bond between Derek and Gemma usher in the beginning of a new chapter for the Okolo family.


• Before Gemma ever fell for Derek. her first love was Oliver Armaros

• Since her father is a former Japanese God. this makes Gemma, dylan and her kids part Japanese 


Derek Adam Alessandro [ Husband ] 

In the tender embrace of their clandestine love, Gemma discovered an unparalleled depth of affection for Derek. His authenticity and unwavering warmth transformed her once-monotonous existence. Gemma's heart, once bound by societal expectations in her marriage to Keith, found liberation in Derek's genuine love.

Their shared dreams went beyond the constraints of her past, sparking a yearning within Gemma for a family—a desire for pregnancy and a future filled with the laughter of children. Derek, a beacon of true love and compassion, became the architect of their shared dreams, offering Gemma a second chance at a life built on love and genuine connection.

In the quiet moments of their shared journey, Gemma and Derek painted a future adorned with the simplicity of love, the joy of family, and the promise of a second chance at a life filled with profound affection. Through Derek's compassionate embrace, Gemma found the courage to break free from the shackles of a loveless past, embracing the opportunity to build a big, loving family with Derek—a testament to the transformative power of deep love and the compassion that granted them a second chance at happiness.

Name Here [ Brother ] 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Name Here [ Cousin ] 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.