
Name Rye
Age Teenager
Height 5' 6" / 168 cm
Gender Male (he/him)
Race Fox
Job Lumberjack


  • Naps
  • Nature
  • Head pats
  • Burgers


  • Spicy food
  • Cold weather
  • Working hard
  • Getting muddy

cheery . talkative . lazy

A lazy fox who harvests firewood to make a living despite disliking manual labour.

Although he'd rather be snoozing away in a warm bed, Rye has somewhat reluctantly taken up lumberjacking as a profession. He's handy with an axe and often teams up with a certain little bunny to ease up the daily grind. Rye works knowing that he has some tasty treats baked by his best bud waiting for him back at home.

HTML by Eggy