King Lurk (AU Shadow Kirby)



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info






Chaotic Neutral


General / Personality

  • An ex-puppet of Voydrulm's, appears to be the king but isn't actually the king of Mirror Popstar. Because Voydrulm is.
  • Is actually Shadow Kirby! His memory's been extremely corrupted by him being puppeted for too long, though, so he doesn't know nor believe that.
    • It's actually just this part of his memory that's been screwed up to such a degree: His identity. Other parts are messed up as well, like how he knows others, but while they are actually mostly accurate, he always seems unsure of if it's REALLY the case.
  • Sometimes has a childlike demeanor similar to Shadow Kirby... I WONDER WHY.
  • Currently resides with Gloria, who is trying hard to find a way to undo the memory corruption.
  • Has "unusually extensive" knowledge on all of Mirror Popstar, especially the inhabitants and phenomena.
  • LOVES reading
  • Is surprisingly friendly towards Meta Knight despite MK's blatant hatred for nearly everyone (Well, DARK Meta Knight to be exact, but since it's the Mirror World, everyone just calls him Meta Knight.)
  • Cowardly at times, but this has been somewhat patched up by Voydrulm. In other words, Voydrulm unintentionally helped Shadow Kirby in the long run.
  • Insatiable appetite renders him always hungry. He eats a LOT, and Gloria has to expend a lot of money on food just for Shadow Kirby...
  • Curious, maybe too much so

Abilities / Arsenal

  • Though he's unaware of it, he has access to flight by puffing up and Copy Abilities.
  • Wields a royal staff as a weapon since he doesn't know he has Copy Abilities.
  • According to himself, he "inexplicably" has exceptional skill with SEVERAL other weapons other than just his staff. Yoyos, swords, guns, boomerangs, magic wands, whips, you name it, he's most likely got significant skill with it!
    • It's because HE'S ACTUALLY SHADOW KIRBY.
    • Also includes elemental abilities like Fire, Ice, Leaf, Water, etc.
  • Has access to using a Warp Star, but he's unaware of this for now.