
Bryce is a demigod of Eros. He is fairly awkward and has a secret love for nerdy things though to impress people he pretends to be interested in more stereotypical cool things such as sports. Bryce lives in Manhattan with his two adopted parents who are both elders though he spends most of his time at camp. Bryce is confirmed to be Bi and has mentioned to have once dated a girl named Hannah.

Bryce's birth mother was a woman named Clara who lived in a 2 story walk up under the employment of the person running the building. She bumped into a man on her way to work. She was too ashamed to tell him of her profession so she lied and told him she was a secretary. One night a client came in and she realized it was the same man from before and hoped that maybe he forgot but the first thing he does is comment that he didn’t know that that was that secretaries did though if it is, he would find them more interesting. He would continue to come and see her after that and she slowly finds herself more and more fascinated with him despite knowing the dangers of that because of her job. The last night they saw each other was bittersweet. She knew she wanted more from this and she tells him she loves him. He tells her that of course she does and the two spend the night together though the next morning he is gone and she doesn’t see him again.

When Clara found out she was pregnant, she  knew her living situation was no safe place for a baby. She packed her things, deciding that this is destined change she needed to motivate her leaving her current situation. She changed her name to Claire and fled in the night using money she set aside. After that she worked as a waitress in a local diner. When she came closer to her due date she began to worry as a neighbour tipped her off that someone had begun coming to the building looking for a woman by the name Clara. She knows she can't move again and if she goes back under his employment she isn't sure what would happen to her baby. She asks the neighbour to keep an eye on how often the person comes and she agrees.

Shortly before she was due, the man comes back and tries to take Clara by force which ends with her being shot. The neighbour rushes her to the hospital where they force her into labor in order to save the child as the mother is not saveable. The child is born and is going to be put into foster care but the neighbour tells them she wishes to adopt him since she couldn't save his mother and wants him to be raised wanted and loved. The baby, Bryce, is raised by the neighbour and her husband. He wears a heart necklace given to him by his mother which is actually taken off of his birth mother prior to her being taken to the hospital. It was actually a gift from Eros to Clara.

As a teen Bryce fell in love with a girl named Hannah. The two dated for a short while until Bryce found out she was dating him as a joke. Heartbroken, Bryce pulled a cruel prank on her in revenge which caused her to leave the school. His mother hearing about it, admonished his actions, telling him that she was disappointed in him for actively seeking to hurt someone else even if he felt justified in his hurt. Their argument is interrupted however by a monster attack which gravely hurts his mother though he is able to defeat it using a hunting bow. After the defeat, he goes to his mother who is dying. She warns him he needs to leave before the police arrive as they won’t believe what happened but the noise will definitely mean they are coming. He isn’t fully able to comprehend what is happening himself or even what or why the thing attacked them. His mother then admits that she isn’t his birth mother and that he is “special” which is why there have been attacks before, something she had been hiding from him by moving them around. She tells him she talked to someone about a place he can go that would give him answers to his parents who she believes are divine also telling him the location in the house of a map to get there. The last thing she tells him before he leaves is that he was born from love and that's what he is destined for, whether he believes it or not.

On his way to Camp Halfblood, he is attacked again and this time doesn’t fare so well. He escapes, though it's just narrowly and he loses his adopted father’s hunting bow in the process. He makes it to Camp Halfblood late in the evening. Its explained to him that he must be a demigod as he was able to walk into the camp though Bryce clearly has no idea about what the camp is even for outside of maybe using it to get answers on his lineage who he only knows that they are possibly “divine” though he doesn’t know who.

Meeting The Confusion Crew:
Work in progress