
3 years, 8 months ago



"You'll figure it out eventually."

Ivan is a young man who can be annoyingly optimistic, but has a tendency to keep his troubles to himself as not to bring down other people. Ivan works as kitchen staff in a locally-owned restaraunt, serving as an errand boy, diswasher, and impromptu cook if needed.

Ivan is 5'7" (170.18 cm) man and is fit, but not particualarly muscular. His hair is a very light blonde, bordering on platinum blonde, shaggy, and long enough to pull into a wolf-tail. Ivan is rarely clean shaven, but his facial hair cannot grow long enough to be considered a full-on beard. Ivan wears a pair of glasses, sometimes swapping them out for contact lenses, and constantly has small gagues in his ears. His wardrobe consists of turtlenecks, cartigains, and jeans, all of which are usually a single colour.

Male (He/Him)
Swedish Canadain
148 lbs
Turtlenecks, cartigains, and jeans
Astoria, BC, Canada
Kitchen Staff
Aromantic Pansexual

Ivan was born and raised in Astoria, British Columbia to Swedish immigrant parents. As a kid, he had a lot of crackhead energy, being quite loud and energetic. Ivan never had any difficulty making friends, but Axel was one of the few who stuck with him through his entire school life, meeting him early on. When Corey joined their class in grade 5, Ivan instantly pulled him in and created "the three muskateers" (although the name didn't stay for long). Although being the most extraverted of the three, Ivan wasn't a big party guy, preferring rambunctious hijinks within a small group of people. In sophmore year, Ivan got to know Cynthia and instantly picked up on the vibe between her and Corey and became the wingman for both of them. With the help of Cynthia, Ivan figured out his attractions, but didn't come out to anyone other than Cynthia as aro and came out as pan only to his friends.

After graduation, Ivan stayed in Astoria while Axel moved to Victoria while Corey and Cynthia moved to Surry. He started renting an apartment with two other people since his parents wanted him to become more independent. Ivan began working in a locally-run restaraunt as kitchen staff, fulfilling a variety of positions due to there being an issue with understaffing. He is able to make a sustainable living this way, but suddenly begins to feel bursts of chest pains and shortness of breath. Although this freaks him out, he continues to just live with these symptoms until an episode where he was in excruciating pain and found himself unable to breathe.

Ivan was rushed to emergancy and diagnosed with constrictive pericarditis. He undergoes Pericardiocentesis as an emergency procedure and, while waiting for his second operation of a Pericardiectomy, he invited Corey and Axel to see, since his family has a history of bad recoveries.


Cynthia: Close Friend

Ivan was one of the first people Cynthia got to know in Astoria and subsequently got pulled into his little group of friends. After coming out, Ivan talked to Cynthia the most about LGBT topics and she eventually helped him figure out his own sexuality. They talk quite frequently, but have not seen each other for a few years.

Corey: Close Friend

Ivan and Corey got to know each other in fifth grade as they attended the same elementary school and Ivan has a nack of befriending new or transferred kids, which Corey was. They were very invested in making sure the other was happy and did well. Corey would support Ivan through tutoring him through math classes while Ivan supported Corey by pushing him to make connections with more people, namely the women he was attracted to. After finding out that Corey liked Cynthia, he got to know her extra well in order to coach Corey into asking her out. After the lover's relationship fell through, Ivan continued to contact him judgement-free and made plans to see each other before Ivan's surgery.

Axel: Friend

Ivan and Axel became friends early on in elementary school, knowing each other before Corey entered the picture. However, after Corey transferred, Axel and Ivan's friendship weakened as Corey matched Ivan's energy better. Ivan always tried getting Axel involved in activities and was able to maintain a good relationship between the three of them all throughout high school. However, after graduation, Axel fell off the grid. Ivan asked Axel's mother what had happened and she only told him that he had moved to Victoria, BC. With some digging, Ivan was able to contact Axel to see him before his surgery.

Kevin and James: Roomantes

Kevin and James were already friends, but needed a third roomate to split the costs of the apartment with. Ivan responded to their ad and they now live together. The two guys don't exactly match Ivan's energy, so they aren't particularly close.

  • Anything warm a fluffy
  • Frogs
  • People watching
  • Obscure history facts
  • Driving
  • Ivan has pet frogs
  • Ivan gets very anxious when driving so he uses public transport whenever possible

profile html by Hukiolukio