Lunette Hallpine



3 years, 8 months ago


Gentle - Passionate - Brave - Optimistic - Stubborn

Name: Lunette Farren (Hallpine after marriage)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual, heavy fem lean

Nicknames: Little Moon (Mathis, Saya), Ruby (Eriel)

Alignment: Neutral good


❥ Fishing
❥ Flowers
❥ Sweet or tangy foods
❥ Naps
❥ Rainy days


❥ Heights
❥ Being talked over
❥ Bugs!
❥ Large crowds
❥ Spicy or bitter foods


❥ Lunette has a surprisingly playful side that comes out from time to time. This normally comes in the form of scaring Solise with ghost stories.

❥ She's naive, and tends to be overly  trusting of people. She wants to believe that there's good in everyone,  and this often clouds her judgement. 

❥ She loves to learn and try new things!  Especially foods. Her goal is to be able to learn a new recipe with  every town she comes across.

❥ Keeps a book of pressed flowers. Each time she visits a new place, she adds to it to catalogue her adventures!

❥ Terrible at eye contact.

❥ A talented alchemist, though she prefers to stay to the medicinal side of things.


 Spade: What initially began as a  professional relationship between Detective and client grew into more  as they traveled together. The two of them helped one another grow and  open up, finding comfort from their respective issues in the other's  company. The two women fell deeply for one another, eventually marrying  and settling down to open a small shop together.

Eriel: While she initially found the princess to be  intimidating, the two of them bonded over their passion for learning.  Over sharing their books and long discussions, a deep friendship soon  blossomed between the two women. Lunette deeply respects Eriel's  determination and drive, but worries over how hard she works herself.