Charlotte Lovell



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Charlotte Lovell

Age: 17

Religion: Jewish

Ethnicity: Jewish Romani

Nationality: American

Mutant name: Locks

Power: Can grow her hair at will and control it, using it like extra limbs.

Allies: The X men, The Brotherhood (partially)

Enemies: Magneto, The Brotherhood (partially), Mystique

Friends: Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Kurt Wagner

Love interest: Todd "Toad" Tolansky 

Likes: Animals, headbands, helping others, singing, cute hair accessories, when people play with her hair, celebrating her culture, her family, Toad, thunder storms, romantic comedies, going to the mall with her friends, training (sometimes), testing how far she can get Logan to open up (not usually very far)

Dislikes: When people fight, tension, training (sometimes), hairspray, innocent people getting hurt (especially kids. Especially mutant kids), scary movies, littering, crying, Pietro Maximoff (though she's too kind to say anything, she thinks he's a jerk), when people call her the G slur (even if it's just because their misinformed, because then she feels the responsibility of informing them weighing on her, which leads to tension)

Personality: Charlotte is a very tenderhearted person and relishes being in touch with her emotions, even if it means a lot of heartache. This can turn some people off, especially if they're emotionally insecure, but can also can lead her to people who need someone like her the most, which is why she doesn't back down. She hates conflict and she often can't resist the urge to try and mediate it in an attempt to quell it. Sometimes it works, and other times people just get mad at her for sticking her nose in their business. She has a very hard time understanding why people hate certain people or why people could hate a certain group of innocent people to the point of trying to cause them harm. Even though most would agree with her, how she speaks about it tends to make people paint her as a bit naïve for believing world peace could ever exist. Charlotte is big on family and loves her parents very much. They've taught her to always be proud of who she is, and to celebrate what makes her different. It used to be kind of difficult for her, but since finding out there are other mutants and joining the X men, she's very proud to reveal her true colors, at the "appropriate times" (How Xavier puts it). 

Backstory: Charlotte lived in Illinois with her parents up until she moved to Bayville to attend Xavier's institute. Once puberty hit, she started noticing her hair acting strange. To an extent, she could move it around herself, but at the worst of times she'd end up in a complete tangled mess. Despite wanting her to be herself, her parents decided for her and other people's safety, she should have her hair tied up tightly in public. This lead to a lot of awkward questioning of why she never let it down, but she just assured people she liked it better that way. At age 17, it was revealed to the world that mutants existed and that there was a whole institute for them in New York. As soon as she found out, she did her best to contact Professor Xavier, and she finally got a hold of him. He, Jean, and Scott all flew out to give her a visit. Once they saw her power, they offered her a chance to come train with them. She and her family accepted their invitation. Through training, she was able to control her hair a lot better, and even managed to stop getting tangled up in it. She also improved the length she could grow it from twice her height to three times. There's still a lot to learn, but she's very excited for the opportunity.