Sophia Whitmore



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Serial #



A crafter woman who runs a hot spring bath house in Hong Bao City.  Hailing from the colder regions of the world, she opened the bath house after discovering the underground springs and thinking it would be a great way to make money.  She has always liked the finer things in life and since she doesn't want to be tied down with marriage, owning a business was the other alternative.  The bath house is very popular and is visited by both locals and tourists daily.  The outdoor spring water baths are naturally heated, but there are also a few artificially built herbal baths for those looking for the full spa treatment.  The bath house also offers acupuncture, massage and skin/scale treatments.

Sophia is a very particular woman, with a keen eye for detail and not one to let wanton things go unchecked. She can say, however, that she has only made one mistake in her life.  Many years ago, when the bathhouse was just getting started, she got involved with a Shooter tradesman named William Muldrey.  Sophia ended up with a daughter by him and the two have had an on again/off again relationship over the years.  Some have said that the pair are so similar in personality, they end up repelling each other instead. Maybe that's why it never works out?  She and William usually end up arguing and in a fight about something every time he's in town.

(Lol, she's an Arctic Crafter and William is a Desert Shooter.  They're like fire and ice xD )